GR2: Designs
Jack is a college sophomore who has been following the popular TV reality show, Miami Ink on Discovery Channel. He has been saving up for a couple of years and is finally able to get a tattoo. Jack has bought into the tattoo culture. However, because this is his first tattoo, Jack doesn’t really know anything about the tattoo process. He decides that he wants something small, intricate but cool, as his first tattoo piece.
Fortunately, Jack heard from his friend Beaver, about RocketScienceInk, a platform aimed at helping first-timers like himself learn more about the tattoo process and to kickstart his design creation and point him in the right direction.
[ Here, Jack uses RocketScienceInk ]
After using RocketScienceInk, Jack now has a much better idea of what constitutes a good design. He realizes that the entire design process takes time and consideration between himself and the artist, since he is making a custom design. He also realizes that his original expectations were unrealistic - the dragon he wanted to tattoo was too intricate and would age badly in a few years. Finally, Jack is now more aware of the different styles available and knows what to look out for in both choosing a good match and in working with the artist now that he also understands the other side of the story.
1 Comment
Chong-U Lim
Scenario: The scenario needed to be more concrete in terms of what Jack did with the system in order to come to the conclusions he did. Also, how does the tattooist/tattoo artist come into play, since it was one of your user classes?
Preliminary designs: Individual Designs: All three members had good stretches in their designs, be it an innovative interface focused on learnability, or small-screen real-estate designs for mobile devices. There was a case in which 2 designs from the same group member were very close together though (one involved customizing a tatoo and placing it to be visualized, another involved picking a tatoo and placing it to be visualized).
Storyboards: Good synthesis to come up with the storyboards, incorporating good bits from the various individual designs. I think some of the storyboards could have been presented with clearer, more concise descriptions. Some of the analysis was really good, tying in concepts like perceptual fusion, learning by doing/exploring, real-world mapping, etc. so keep that up!
Wiki Presentation: Inconsistent presentation of some of the sketches (one via pdfs, one via a table-like structure, one by 3 images + body of text.) Try to be more consistent and presentable in your wiki!
Overall: Wiki was not satisfactorily ready by Studio.