- window
- io
- app
- user
- comments
- worksets
- workset
- search
- costobject
- person
- scenario
- model
- comment
- costobject
- scenario
- pickList
- preference
- people
- worksest
- grids
- forecasting
- worksets
- objList
- tracking
- cost_object_status
- search
- dwsearch
- glList
- slickGrids
- authGrid
- forecastingGrid
- summaryGrid
- trackingGrid
- wsPeopleCoGrid
- myWSgrid
- dialogs
- picklists
- router
- io
- private application scope
Wiki Markup |
ThereThe majority of the application is contained within an immediately invoked function expression \[aka IIFE\]. _The IIFE is in place without using the \_module pattern_ which could expose some of the IIFE globally if that was needed. |