The TD is responsible for procuring all the raw material for sets. A trip to Home Depot and Backstage Hardware usually takes care of most needs. A list of materials should be compiled as soon as possible during the production process so it can be updated quickly and easily- you don't want to spend an extra hour of travel time because you forgot to buy the dowel pins when you had a U-Haul.
Gaffe tape and flame retardant can be purchased from Backstage hardware. Flame retardant is ~$25 per gallon of paint. Make sure MAKE SURE you have enough of both gaffe tape and flame retardant before Put-In. Additionally, make sure that fire retardant is added to each gallon of paint as it is opened.
The TD should begin scheduling builds as soon as possible. This varies from show to show, but builds should start at the latest the weekend after final set design is due. All actors are required to complete some number of Pre-Put-In hours, the number of which vary from show to show. These hours are completed by working at set builds, at costume builds, or in any other way the TD sees fit.