This inventory was taken on 2/6/14. It left some things out and was conducted without moving anything, so many measurements may be wrong.
(4) 26" high, 33" long, 30" wide (3 steps)
(2) 17" high, 22" long, 30" wide (2 steps)
(7?) 8.5" high, 4'x8'
(1) 4" high, 3'x3' (might actually be two triangles)
(1) 4"high, 30"x36"
(1) 4" high, 25"x30"
Triangles (all right triangles)
(2) 8" h, 58"x46"
(2) 4" h, 4'x4'
(2) 8"h, 4'x4'
(2) 4"h, 3'x3'
A round tube, 6'4" long, 3 1/4" diameter
Flats (Probably)
(3) 8'x4', no bases
Box with random cloth in it: 71" x 31". 18" high + 28" legs. May not be structural.