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Headsets are located in the dimmer closet, in one or two milk crates. The system consists of one control box, a collection of headsets, and a set of cables (Official type unknown). Headsets should be located at booth and wherever run crew will be be (typically either in the dressing room or the kitchen).

Blacking out Sala

    * Having appropriate lighitng backstage is a big help. This includes a lamp at booth (there should be a clip lamp with a blue gel over it in the office) and light for actors backstage. On some occasions we've had a dedicated stage light for the backstage area that's just on dim for the duration of the show. Alternatively you can use the lights under spacedock. They're controlled by the lightswitch  on the column north of space dock (just the normal switch, not the panel. That controls the house lights). If half of the spacedock lights are blacked out (paper or black foil taped over the light works great) and half are gelled blue (gel the light not the waffle) that is incredibly useful.

    * The windows on either side of both sets of Sala doors need to be blacked out. Possible solutions include 4x8 masonite or black shower curtains from Shaw's for $2. The cross pieces in the windows can be removed by pulling straight up and pieces of plywood inserted. MTG has two black pieces that fit under spacedock that we could theoretically borrow. The windows in West Lounge should be blacked out. This is more for the decency of actors (like they have any). The shades don't actually block people looking. The best solution found so far would be to use the black shower curtains. 


Strike runs after the show's last performance. Strike is the time when everything is taken down, moved out of La Sala, and somehow stuffed into the Ensemble Office. The TD runs Strike. Everyone involved with the show is expected to be present for the duration. It helps to have a competent person in the Ensemble Office as things begin to be moved up so that storage is slightly less of a nightmare. Sala should be left in the condition it was found- nothing should be on the floor, all Germans and butterflies should be folded, all chairs put away, etc. If any paint is found on Sala floor, it must be cleaned off.


In places where actors enter and aren't blocked by the blacks, place an Othello screen (the large black wooden folding screens in the office). Typical places are the entrance from westlounge and in front of spacedock. CAC also has a bunch of green screens that are useful for blocking views where being black is not crucial.

One of the doors on the north side of Sala squeaks. Figures out which one it is and label it with a great big 'N', or 'NO' or 'NARN'.

Make sure that there is a path through the kitchen for actors to walk through.

Make sure nothing backstage will injure actors- saws, screws, nails, anything else.


Blacks are stored in the blue bin in the room with Monument (which is the Piano Room - the door on the eastern side of Sala de Puerto Rico that is most to the north).


Blacks should be taken down from Monument. There are two methods: either pull the black up to monument as you go, or drop it as you go. Either is fine, but when dropping or stacking, try to keep the bad side touching the floor/surface. Do not drop anything without calling out first. Blacks should be folded and returned to the blue bin and the piano closet. When folding, keep the good side off the floor. Folding the large black is much easier with a small army of people.

====== What to do during tech week ======

==== Blacking out Sala ====

    * Having appropriate lighitng backstage is a big help. This includes a lamp at booth(there should be a clip lamp with a blue gel over it in the office) and light for actors backstage. On some occasions we've had a dedicated stage light for the backstage area that's just on dim for the duration of the show. Alternatively you can use the lights under spacedock. They're controlled by the lightswitch  on the column north of space dock(jst the normal switch, not the panel. That controls the house lights). If half of the spacedock lights are blacked out(paper or black foil taped over the light works great) and half are gelled blue (gel the light not the waffle) that is incredibly useful.

Wiki Markup
    * Hanging blacks is described in \[\[:all-about-blacks\|all-about-blacks\]\] But make sure that they are clipped together with binder clips to keep them unified, and make sure that they cover all the relvant parts.

    * The curtains on the border of Sala should be closed, both for looks and for blocking out the light It might also be worth binder clipping them together as they have a tendancy to flop open.

    * The windows on either side of both sets of Sala doors need to be blacked out. There are many methods to do this
     * Plywood. The cross pieces in the windows can be removed by pulling straight up and pieces of plywood inserted. MTG has two black pieces that fit under spacedock that we could theoretically borrow.

      * Black shower curtains. These can be purchased from Shaws for $2 each, and can easily be taped up.

      * Black Paper taped all around. You can buy rolls of it from Artists and Craftsman. You'll need at least 3 rools to cover the 4 windows, and 4 would be easier.

    * The windows in West Lounge should be blacked out. This is more for the decency of actors. The shades don't actually block people looking. The best solution found so far would be to use the black shower curtains.

===== Helping Actors =====

A couple random points here, on things that need to be done.

    * One of the doors on the north side of Sala squeaks. Figures out which one it is and label it with a great big 'N', or 'NO' or 'NARN'

    * Make sure that there is a path through the kitchen for actors to walk through

    * Anything sharp and generally in the dark should be covered

    * Avoid glow tape, but use it when necessary