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To the right, the final screen Ginny sees is displayed. After  After Ginny sets her note and loads her laundry into the washer, the application returns her to her home screen. From here, she can now see a new progress bar, indicating how far her laundry has yet to go via both the bar and the text display of the time remaining. The text to the top left of the bar is the beginning of the note Ginny left. The small icon to the left of the progress bar is used to show whether the machine in question is a washer or a dryer. If Ginny wishes to check the remaining time of her laundry again, she opens the application and is returned to this page.


This page is the interface used for interacting with notes. On the left, we see the mildly confusing note left for Ginny by the owner of the laundry she is moving. Ginny is afforded the options to call or text this person, or to simply click tap the "Done" button. If she chooses to call or text, the relevant application (Phone or Messaging, for Android) comes up to handle the task. the  task. Ginny texts the other person, and receives appropriate instructions. Upon returning to the laundry application, Ginny sees this screen again, and taps the "Done" button. She is taken directly to the "Leave a Note" page displayed on the right.

The page to the right begins with an empty note, with  the same "Done" checkbox at the bottom. There is a cursor in the text box, indicating that Ginny can enter text using the Android on-screen keyboard when the text box receives focus. Ginny enters her laundry instructions. Three boxes and captions at the bottom right indicate how Ginny wants other users to be able to interact with her. The crossed-out Phone shows that Ginny does not want to receive calls about her laundry; the second box indicates that she would like others to be able to text her about it, and the third indicates that she would like to receive a notification when her laundry finishes. These boxes can be toggled to On/Off via a tap. Ginny taps done and returns to the home screen (shown above).
