Cornell has done experiments with TA blogs.
Larger initiatives.
Follow up discussion on Project Mercury - discussions with Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Deutch-Telecom. What is the right model for a larger initiative - Athena, iCampus, etc? We should seek higher level support - a Dean, Provost, Chancellor. Sandy and Steve will draft something in prep' for a meeting with Tom Magnanti. We have a good set of ideas - (intellectual leadership; shopping and entertainment; building community)
Dick Larson/Link - how can you take the first year experience and widen the audience.
At MIT groups are porous but still high intensity. What are the right mix of sync' and async' communications. Even our young faculty are from a different generation from our incoming students. How do you bridge the different generations, groups, communities?
Jerry joined via audio from home - sound quality was so-so on our end - we should try an IP to IP call next time. Jerry complained that he got an echo when we turned up the volume on our side.