Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • People viewing resumes
    • Employers (probably HR people) or others who have received a link to the resume from the poster
    • Used to and experience with browsing traditional resumes
      • Probably browses through one or many resumes fairly quickly to get a general overview of the candidates
    • Only interested in additional info from certain candidates, would require the traditional interface as a first impression
      • Our only potential user that had previous experience browsing resumes mentioned that he’d only be interested in our additional info if the traditional resume showed promise, guessing a low percentage of total applicants
    • Only interested in certain pieces of supplemental information from a subset of the user’s projects, not every bit of information a candidate might want to share
      • Candidates may have multiple projects, potentially unrelated
      • A recruiter would only be interested in projects that seemed interesting or related to the field
    • Persona: Beatrice, a 34 year old Hiring Manager at a successful, but medium sized Internet startup. She sometimes has issues understanding the full breadth of a candidate’s experience, and would appreciate the ability to see examples and deliverables from past projects during the decision making process.

Task analysis

  • log in** Register if new user (maybe be able to use facebook credentials? maybe linkedIn? maybe OpenID? maybe Twitter? maybe certificates?)
    • enter user name
    • enter password
  • add information** add education*** transcripts
    • add projects and bullet point descriptions
  • add supplemental content** add code sample
    • add images
    • add video
    • add hyperlink to Design Portfolios
  • browse resume** see certain supplemental content
  • modes: publish vs editing?** Recruitee has options for what gets sent to an recruiter?
  • Get public link to the “published” resume
  • Email this link

Domain analysis

  • User
  • Resume
  • User has one resume
  • Extra media (the azing in Resumazing)** code sample** images** video** Design portfolios
  • Resume has any number of extra media (estimate 1-2 per project, 5 total projects, so 5-10 total)