- People posting resumes
- Interested in finding a job or internship
- Skewed towards the younger end of our user population (all our potential users were under 30, with a majority between 18-22)
- Want to maximize benefit for time spent ***
- Spending much time already on job hunt
- Won’t use an additional service unless it provides tangible gain
- On potential user remarked: “I’m already on LinkedIn and have a profile on CareerBridge. I’d need to have a good reason to use a new service, too.”
- Might already have an existing (traditional) resume (all our potential users did, sometimes multiple versions for different sectors, i.e. finance vs. tech)
- Has interesting projects or educational experience that cannot be best transmitted in the traditional format ***
- Presentations
- Reports
- Videos
- Code Samples
- Persona: Rupert, a 22 year old senior at MIT, who is interested in finding a full time position. He has a few interesting projects and examples resulting from past internships, and a video and report from his 2.009 project. Although his traditional resume is well made, he feels that the full extent and interesting nature of his projects doesn’t get across without these additional materials.