DOME Metadata Strikefore Video Metadata Core Element Set
Original Team members:
- Rob Wolfe
- Ann Whiteside
- Elaine Mello
- Jolene de Verges
- Patsy Baudoin
- Identifier
- Parent Video
- Related Tapes
- Use
- Modification Date
- Format
- File Size
- Checksum
- Key Frame / Thumbnail (RW)
- Video Compression Method (RW)
- Video Resolution (RW)
- Video Frame Rate (RW)
- Video Bit Depth (RW)
- Audio Compression Method (JD)
- Audio Sampling Rate (JD)
- Audio Bit Depth (JD)
- Number of Audio Channels (JD)
Element Definitions (DRAFT)
Duration: Time-based extent (playback time) of the resource
- May refer to an resource as a whole or to the various parts that make up a resource
- Does not describe the time to utilize a resource in a setting
- Represented as a timestamp
- Required
- ebucore:duration
Start Time: beginning point of playback for a time-based resource
- Required if part of a larger resource
- Used in combination with Duration to identify a segment of a resource
- Represented as a timestamp
End Time (is this needed if using duration and start time?)
- Required if part of a larger resource
Number of Parts: the number of segments that combine to create the resource as a whole
- Used in conjunction with <has part>
- Represented by a whole number
- Required if a resource is made up of multiple segments
- Segments could be tracks, chapters, scene, shot, etc.
Part Number: indicates which numbered part a segment is of a given resource
- Used in conjunction with <is part of>
- Required if a resource is a segment of a larger resource
- Examples: 1 of 5; 2 of 2; 7 of 9
- Similar to PB Core annotation element?
- Or relation field that points to additional files?
Part and number of parts – description fields? Relation fields? Identifier fields? Not sure.