- Discussed ACCORD priorities for the year (tentative list): *
- video follow-up
- Athena spaces - CET discussion of Athena and printing; charge being developed to task CET subgroup on specific Athena issues which will include printing and space
- printing
- faculty input
- TWT website
- Talked about the idea of developing aggregations of service around themes
- Discussed video being on track
- Brainstorm on how to move forward with video capture for GIR's
- Vision – for some set of courses and/or classrooms we have infrastructure and process in place to allow faculty to specify prior to the course that they want their course captured and made available to their students at a very low barrier; available to students would be audio, video, presentations, blackboard capture soon after the class; needs to be at a low cost and simple for faculty to do; reusable; processes for archiving
- Lot’s of policy workflow issues to work through
- Turn key options
- Deploy in more classrooms than fewer to avoid scheduling issues
- Focus on 5 largest rooms where GIRS are currently taught for phase 1 – 26-100, 54-100, 32-123, 10-250, 34-101
- What is the minimal “feature” set required for capture?
- read the blackboard
- Good audio
Wiki Markup Need slides \[synchronized\]
- Talking head
- High definition
Wiki Markup Available to students in quickly \[within 24 hours?\]
Wiki Markup Transcription as part of post processing \[important to itemize as cost factor\]
- Develop cost estimates
- What are backend infrastructure costs?
Wiki Markup Opencast -- contact Mara \[steve will do\]
Wiki Markup Look at 5 rooms listed above \[Peter & Elaine\]; develop options -- low end, high end -- for review that include all aspects of pieces
Wiki Markup Make sure to involve AV \[Lou\]