Agenda Development and Minutes Space
Agenda Parking Lot
- Provide better definition of the roles and responsibilities of Accordiacs. See and Responsibilities.
- Provide better definition of the roles and responsibilities of ACCORD.
- Measure and assess the value of educational technology services at MIT
- define "core" services
- develop "dashboard" of monthly metrics? see attachment MIT OCW dashboard example
- develop strategies for more faculty engagement
- Identify and evaluate opportunities for new services
- Check-in on Video project. See
- Set agenda for June Accordiacs meeting
- Prep/planning for new academic year, e.g., website update/review, brochure reprinting/revision/distribution
- Solaris sunset and other Athena cluster updates planned for this summer
- debAthena (Athena 10) issues and opportunities
- Student printing discussion
Proposed recurring agenda items
- Review metrics / dashboards as they are being developed (maybe start with OCW and IS&T existing?) - monthly
- Review any on-going ed-tech issues that bridge groups (teaching spaces, course management, video, images, academic calendar) - monthly
- Review any faculty-related unresolved service issues we are aware of (maybe same as previous?) - monthly
- Review any new service pilots, roll-outs, updates, or new faculty engagements we are aware of - monthly
- others?
May 11, 2009
- Communication to Accordiacs re ACCORD membership/role changes
- Criteria for identifying core services
- Accordiac roles/responsibilities
June 1, 2009
- Review progress on criteria for core services
- Agenda for Accordiac Meeting on June 18
June 23, 2009
- Debrief from last week's Accordiac meeting
- "Value system" for core services criteria
- Budget for FY 2010
- Orientation planning for new academic year
July 6, 2009
- Update on Video project and feedback
- Budget for FY 2010
- Calendar confirmation for upcoming year
- Value system for core services criteria
- Update on Video project and feedback
- Budget for FY 2010
- Calendar confirmation for upcoming year
- Value system for core services criteria
Aug 31, 2009
- Update on Video project and feedback
- Planning for Sept. 30 Accordiac Meeting
- Next Steps re core services criteria
Sept. 14, 2009
- update on video project [10 minutes]
- feedback from new faculty orientation [10 minutes]
- Institute Wide TF [10 minutes]
- Accordiac meeting agenda [20 minutes]
- Core Service metrics: next steps [20 minutes]
- SOD recommendations - see attached [20 minutes]
Sept. 28, 2009
- debrief from presentation of video recommendations to CET and determine next steps
- core service metrics: next steps
Oct. 15, 2009
- review draft of revised video overview and summary statement for CET
- report on EdTech Fair
Nov. 9, 2009
- review draft charge for video portal implementation team
- develop agenda for Nov. 19 Accordiacs meeting
- ACCORD priorities for rest of academic year
Nov. 23, 2009
- ACCORD priorities for the year (tentative list):
- video follow-up
- Athena spaces
- printing
- faculty input
- TWT website
Jan. 7, 2010
- Brainstorming session on advancing video capture of GIR's
Feb. 1, 2010
- Budget roundtable: share what's known about local budget issues for FY11
- Video update
- TIP update
- Athena update
- Planning for next Accordiacs meeting
March 1, 2010
- Updates
- Video initiatives
- TIP project
- Working group on Athena Clusters. FYI, this is a statement from the Chancellor’s Response to the Institute-wide Planning Task Force Preliminary Report, The MIT Council on Educational Technology (MITCET), which advises DUE on priorities, policies, and opportunities in educational technology, has formed a working group to review this recommendation. The group includes students, faculty, and staff. No action will be taken pending the outcome of the review.
- Agenda for March 30th Accordiacs meeting
April 27, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Babi, Cec, Steve, and Vijay
- ACCORD composition --- guiding principles, process for deciding, who will decide, roles and responsibilities [15 minutes]
Discussion focused on ACCORD relationship to MITCET strategy and goals, the process for joining and leaving ACCORD, and how to insure good customer engagement. One suggestion is to add a "customer" representative from one of the DLC's to ACCORD. It was decided that we should defer any action on that suggestion until we developed better clarity about our own roles and responsibilities and that of the Accordiacs.
- Inputs on key services from the March 18th Accordiacs meeting --- next steps: Identify trends, categorize [30 minutes]
Working from the notes of the March 18 meeting, we focused on agreeing on the criteria that would define "core" services. The initial list was cross-organizationall, breadth, depth, one time v. long term, impact, cost, benefit, prestige/leadership. Steve agreed to draft definitions for each of these criteria for review at the next meeting. Once there's agreement on the criteria, we will then create a matrix using the services identified from the March 18 meeting to test the criteria.
- Update from ACCORD Image Tools Group [10 minutes]
Babi provided an update from the recent meeting of the Image Tools Group. The group decided it would focus on two areas over the next few months: 1. improving the availability of image copyright information and help within the images section of the Teaching w/Technology website, and 2. developing a short questionnaire that can be used when meeting with faculty regarding their image needs and that also might be posted as a short survey at point of use on the TwT website.
- Agenda development [20 minutes]
This topic was deferred to a future meeting.
.May 11, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Babi, Oliver, Steve, and Vijay
- Communication to Accordiacs re ACCORD membership/role changes
- We agreed to provide an update to the Accordiacs on the sponsors meeting, the rotating convening role, ACCORD membership, and recent activities. Steve will draft message.
- Criteria for identifying core servicesDiscussion and updating of draft document continued.
- We agreed that we need to develop a "grading" system, and that we should take the list of services generated from Accordiac meeting in March, consolidate it, and then apply criteria to it. Oliver will create spreadsheet, Babi will draft "grades", and then each of us will apply values to the spreadsheet.
- Accordiac roles/responsibilitiesBrainstormed list of possible roles and responsibilities:
- communicate - 3 way, with each other, to ACCORD, back to their DLC
- develop good understanding of each others' roles/work - who does what - [understanding of core services]
- contributing to cross-organizational projects, development of new services
- contribute to building Accordiac community
- provide early user feedback on new service initiatives
- We need to get Accordiacs input on their ideas for roles/responsibilities.
June 1, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Cec, Oliver, and Steve
- Criteria for Core Services
- We reviewed and attempted to refine Oliver's draft spreadsheet that arrayed core services against criteria. It's available for viewing as an attachment off the criteria for core services wiki page. We discussed what the right grading system to use, but did not come to a decision at this time.
- Agenda for Upcoming Accordiacs Meeting
- We discussed the possible topics - Stellar, CSS reorg, update on criteria for core services - and agreed that Steve would send out a preliminary note asking for feedback on additional topics to consider.
June 23, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Babi, Cec, Oliver, Steve, and Vijay
- We discussed the previous week's Accordiac meeting and agreed that it was successful, generating good questions and useful feedback. There was agreement that the agenda topics were useful and well received. Frequency and timing of Accordiac meetings for the new academic year was discussed and we agreed to try and two meetings during each semester and one during IAP.
- It was also suggested we try and schedule a meeting in early August to share orientation related plans. Steve agreed to identify dates and share them for comment with the rest of the group. Babi also agreed to talk to Doug Pfeiffer in the Provost's Office re new faculty orientation opportunities for ACCORD.
- We had a brief discussion re the ACCORD budget for next year. Babi agreed to provide details on our expenditures from this past year asap.
July 6, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Cec, Oliver, and Steve
- Cec provided her feedback to the current draft of the video working group's recommendations to be delivered to CET this fall.
- We deferred the rest of the agenda until the next meeting.
August 31,, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Babi, Oliver, Steve, and Vijay
- Update on Video project and feedback
- Steve and Oliver shared the latest changes in the draft presentation being prepared for the Council on Educational Technology. Once some additional changes are made, the presentation will be circulated to ACCORD and the video working group for final review. It's expected that the presentation to CET will be made in late September.
- Planning for Sept. 30 Accordiac Meeting
- We brainstormed possible topics for the 9/30 meeting:
- Update on video project
- EdTech Fair
- IS&T's Facult and Student Experience project on creating travel profiles for particular countries
- Image Service Update
- Changes in the Laptop Loaner Program
- Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Computing
- DOS project update
- Update on Institute Wide Task Force Report
- We brainstormed possible topics for the 9/30 meeting:
- Next Steps re core services criteria
- Creation of a value system for the draft matrix that we've created is challenging; should we try a different approach than using a numerical system - maybe categorizing rather than prioritizing? Babi will write up his notes from converstations with Steve Ehrmann from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group and share with the group. We decided to discuss what metrics are currently available for each of the services listed on the draft matrix and how we might collect and aggregate them. And we agreed that a key challenge will be to keep the effort simple and manageable.
- Possible agenda for next ACCORD meeting:
- Revisit recommendations from the SOD working group
- Institute Wide Task Force Report
- Feeback from New Faculty Orientation
- Finalize Accordiac Agenda
- Core Service Metrics
Sept. 14, 2009 - Minutes
Present: Babi, Cec, Oliver, Steve, and Vijay
- We had a brief discussion on the upcoming Ed Tech Fair regarding whether ACCORD should have a presence and, if so, what type of presence. It was suggested we follow-up with Toru.
- We reviewed the draft of recommendations to be made to the Council on Educational Technology, specifically on how to shape the cost estimates and articulate the impacts of each recommendation.
- Feedback from the new faculty orientation indicated that it continues to worthwhile to be involved.
- We discussed the agenda for the upcoming Accordiacs meeting and agreed that the video recommendations should be shared. Steve will also put out a call to the group for other possible items.
November 9, 2009 - Minutes
- Video
- Agreed on draft and membership for implementation team
- Accordiac agenda
- OTP project – Babi & Greg provide update
- Video update
- Roundtable
- Future items:
- Thematic services idea
- Sloan talk about Sharepoint experience
- ACCORD priorities
- LMS process
- Facilitating engagement
- See what comes out of next LMS meeting
- Follow-up on service metrics as they inform our discussion for determining impact; Steve will draft a template for data gathering [input/output/outcome]
- Other items
- Think about Accord role in developing thematic service configurations, e.g. energy initiative, global education, maybe like library research guides idea.
- Responsibility for TWT website – think about Ranjani & Molly playing a more active role
- LMS process
Nov. 23, 2009 - Minutes
- Discussed ACCORD priorities for the year (tentative list):
- video follow-up
- Athena spaces - CET discussion of Athena and printing; charge being developed to task CET subgroup on specific Athena issues which will include printing and space
- printing
- faculty input
- TWT website
- Talked about the idea of developing aggregations of service around themes
- Discussed video being on track
Jan, 7, 2010 - Minutes
- Brainstorm on how to move forward with video capture for GIR's
- Vision – for some set of courses and/or classrooms we have infrastructure and process in place to allow faculty to specify prior to the course that they want their course captured and made available to their students at a very low barrier; available to students would be audio, video, presentations, blackboard capture soon after the class; needs to be at a low cost and simple for faculty to do; reusable; processes for archiving
- Lot’s of policy workflow issues to work through
- Turn key options
- Deploy in more classrooms than fewer to avoid scheduling issues
- Focus on 5 largest rooms where GIRS are currently taught for phase 1 – 26-100, 54-100, 32-123, 10-250, 34-101
- What is the minimal “feature” set required for capture?
- read the blackboard
- Good audio
- Need slides [synchronized]
- Talking head
- High definition
- Available to students in quickly [within 24 hours?]
- Transcription as part of post processing [important to itemize as cost factor]
- Develop cost estimates
- What are backend infrastructure costs?
- Opencast – contact Mara [steve will do]
- Look at 5 rooms listed above [Peter & Elaine]; develop options – low end, high end – for review that include all aspects of pieces
- Make sure to involve AV [Lou]