In the past, we've obtained a resolution of about 250 microns on the sagitta of primary tracks. If we can achieve 400 micron resolution, then we need to get the systematic errors below 400 microns.
Thanks,-Gene -Gene
TpcRS - new slow simu for TPX
Jan:I make observation TpcRS crashes on M-C events generated with geometry 2008. Although real TPX electronic was installed in year 2009 people have many old (expensive to produce) simulations which they may want to still use to estimate performance in the future years.
Would be the best if TpcRS is able to process old .fzd fils and has settings appropriate to different ASIC setup.
Yuri: ASIC means old TPC electronics. ALTRO is new (TPX) electronics.
These are two completely different approaches (analog and digital fitering).
The main goal for TpcRS is TPX. There are a lot of DB parameters which are associated with y2009 time stamps.
When you run TpcRS for y2008 it uses 23 TPC + 1TPX configuration. TPC has not been tuned enough.
If you like to do this then I give you complete set of instructions for that.