- Send posters to RISG members to hang in libraries.
- Send an email version of the schedule to subspec-lib@mit.edu (all the subject librarians), and ask them to send the email to their departments.
- Advertise series on news blog. Submit to your local news blog person. You can use past year's sessions as a template.
- From Ryan, "I take care of all the blog stuff that happens for the JulyAP sessions. Typically I will post a blog story the previous week and then do a headline on the homepage for the week leading up to the session and will then rotate them out during the entire period. So once you have determined the content (dates, times, session descriptions), let me know so I can put the blog entries together."
- Email spotlight-lib to advertise each session at the top of the home page.
- Email subspec-lib with the list of sessions, and ask them to forward the info to their departments.
- Email instructors to remind them to bring surveys with them (attach the survey to the message), as well as to input statistics when they're done. NOTE: Surveys are being redone as of summer 2009. Ask RISG what, if any, survey is appropriate.