The material here is very raw in some cases. The stories they tell will mature and come into focus over the month of January.ITSS
The lack
*Our FY08 revenue was $516,553 - only $12,400 short of our revenue budget goal for the year
*DCAD had 1-2 open revenue recovering positions all year
*In FY08 DCAD started 246 projects
*On average DCAD has over 100 active projects going at any one time
*Of those 100+ projects 47 were Service Level agreements for maintenance or hosting.
ITSS of anything related to Data Security in the Stats from FY06 is probably due to the fact that 2004-2006 were not big years for MIT handling Data Incidents in any organized way, although we had a few biggies in there (see comps below). Still, I'm not really sure how to report on this important for a one-line stat, but here's the long version.
During calendar 2008, 9 data incidents involving sensitive data were reported to/handled by the Data Incident Response Team, coordinated by ITSS. One involved an MIT partner, the MITFCU, which was not investigated by DIRT. Across the remaining incidents, the data included personally identifying information (SSN) as well as financial information, credit card information, student education records, and MIT confidential business information. Only one incident -- involving one person's SSN -- was deemed to require notification. In all the others, there was no evidence indicating that acquisition of data had occurred.