List revised, as of 6/6/07:
June 11 - UI Coding :
Advanced search
Authorization checks in place
Metadata mapping gotten from the backend
June 18 - UI Coding:
Bulk Upload
Ability to dynamically edit the metadata mapping
Juse 25 - Server Installation and Configuration
June 8 - Build a Thalia stack similar to the current test stack, but uses MySQL instead of Oracle.
June 13 - Build a test stack and test backup, recovery, and moving of data store and data base between servers.
June 15 - Web SSO configuration and testing
June 19 - Build the thalia5-7 production stack.
Later June: Building a monitoring setup will be my top priority, and doing second level testing of backup and restore, adjusting for potential Alfresco version updates.
July 9 - Testing - front and back end
Jully 16 - Code Freeze
Revised task list, after consulting with Qing: