F5 not a short-term concern
Using Thalia 1 as a dev environment
Now May 3 - API Test Plan and timeline Finish REST API testing plan - Andrew
May 4 - Thalia 2,3,4 as layers - Hunter
Thalia 2 - Front end / business layer
Thalia 3 - Alfresco
Thalia 4 - Database
May 9 - API Test Writing beings - Andrew
May 9 - Communicate with QuestcomQuestcon, UI test plan and writing begins - Qing
May 15 - Back End code complete - Qing
May 25 - UI code complete - Robin
May 31 - Creating the REST API test - Andrew
June 1 to 31 - Executing the REST API test - Andrew
June - UI Test execution begins - Questcom, AndrewQuestcon
June - User documentation - Tech Writer?