- put bolt through washers
- put thermocouples through washers
- twist both sides of wires (wrap around bolts and thermocouples around themselves
- stick into NC to the end, pull themocouples through small end. Shift around to place washers flat inside
- put nosecone tip in
- stick a long arm in and twist the bolt into hole
Payload - NC
Hermes II Payload - NC Assemblage Assembly Procedures
AV Tower
Assembly Procedures for the Hermes II & III Avionics Tower Assembly ProceduresSoft Goods
Lower Electronics
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iBwlQAUkS_-ASFAVhsMO-ndsaEsJqW-zG7LUMhQ1ETo/edit?usp=sharing - full integration guidelinesMP Assembly
Hermes II Mission Package Assembly Procedures