The TD should begin scheduling builds as soon as possible. This varies from show to show, but builds should start at the latest the weekend after final set design is due . Remember to double check with MTG and G&S when their builds are (if they have them planned yet; if not, take advantage of this fact to plan your builds first), since two groups should probably not be working in the set-shop at the same time. (you can always start earlier with set pieces that you know will happen no matter what!). Put the time you want to have your builds on the build calendar (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eknzAu2E1UHNJsdC8K2D3sX_Mn4nj92i-tLh4QF0eY4/edit#gid=21) so we don't overlap with MTG. Ignore the generic where it says we build Saturday mornings – that's outdated. A good amount of time for builds is generally 3-4 hours per week, but you may need to put in extra hours for particularly extensive sets. Try to make sure you are having sufficient build time early on so you don't have to be trying to finish everything yourself during or right before tech week. You may want to alternate days builds happen, so people with other conflicts have a chance to go.
All actors are required to complete some number of Pre-Put-In/prod hours, the number of which is usually 6. Tell actors in advance (3-5 days is good) when builds are going to happen, and put them on Callboard. These Pre-Put-in hours can be completed by working at a build for any department (sets, costumes, pub, sometimes lights, etc.) or in any other way the TD sees fit.