No seriously. You will be up late on Saturday putting up monument, and up early on Sunday for put-in. During Tech Week you should expect to spend 3-4 hours per day putting up audience or finishing set pieces, on top of PSets and rehearsals (although there is some work that can be done during rehearsals, anything noisy has to be done earlier or later in the day).
Tech Week
Before put-in, make sure you know what actors can do what and when they are available in order to schedule everyone for a reasonable time slot so that everything can be done. Ask whether people are afraid of heights and whether they can lift heavy things in addition to whether they have lighting experience.
Put-In is the first day that the Ensemble is in space and is the single most important day for sets. Lights are hung, masonite is placed, big things are built, etc, etc. Generally Put-In officially runs from 7 am to 10 pm, though in reality it can go until 1am. Each member of the cast is required to attend Put-In for a a number of hours which varies from show to show (usually 8). The TD should schedule actors ahead of time and attempt to distribute manpower throughout the day. Additionally, the TD should talk to lights, costumes, and props to see if/how much manpower they anticipate requiring during Put-In and when they want it during the day.