- Check out the Thalia code:
svn checkout svn+ssh://username@svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia
- For a release, create the release branch:
svn cp ui/trunk ui/branches/thaliaUI<version>-sprint<num>
Make a clean build of ...then build the .swf files that comprise the UI, checking them into the IME trunk in the process:
cd thalia/ui/branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>
mvn clean package
- If you just want to build the UI locally:
cd thalia/ui/trunk
mvn clean compile
The .swf files will be in the newly-created (by Maven) target subdirectory.
- Check out the Thalia code:
svn checkout svn+ssh://username@svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia
- For a release, create the release branch:
svn cp ime/Trunk/thalia ime/Branches/thalia<version>-sprint<num>
- Make a clean build of the .war file:
cd thalia/ime/Branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>
mvn clean package -Denv=prod1
This will create or update the target directory and add the file ROOT.war . Please note that the Thalia maven build has multiple profiles:- The default profile is the development profile on thalia-dev.mit.edu.
- If you want to choose the test profile, use -Denv=test1 or -Denv=test2. (When packaging, test1 and test2 are exactly the same. When deploying, test1 deploys to isda-thalia2 and test2 deploys to isda-thalia11.)
- If you want to choose the production profile, use -Denv=prod1 or -Denv=prod2. (When packaging, prod1 and prod2 are exactly the same. When deploying, prod1 deploys to isda-thalia5 and prod2 deploys to isda-thalia8.)
- N.B.: Part of the profile definition is in thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia/pom.xml under the profiles section; it specifies which servers to deploy to in each environment. Part of the profile definition is in thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia/src/main/filters*.properties files; it specifies the alfresco server address/port and alfresco passwords for user and admin. To change the development environment, edit dev.properties. To change the test environment, edit test.properites. To change the prodution environment, edit prod.properties.
- If you're doing a release and the build completed without error, commit the branch:
svn commit
- Deploy the war:
- Check that it's ok to deploy. Start with the thalia-talk@conference.mit.edu jabber chat. If deploying to QA, check in with the QA contractor in thalia-qa@conference.mit.edu. If deploying to production, you will already have coordinated the downtime with asst@mit.edu and isda-ops@mit.edu so they will not be alarmed when nagios reports the Thalia failure.
- There are two ways to deploy: one through the web, and one via maven. See the DEPLOYING WITH MAVEN or DEPLOYING VIA THE WEB INTERFACE sections following.