1. make sure that all developers tested their code and checked everything into the trunk
2. check out the most up-to-date version of the trunk, branch it with the release name such as (thalia1.0-sprint2) . Naming convention is thalia<version>-sprint<num> .
svn checkout svn+ssh://username@svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia-maven
svn copy thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia thalia/ime/Branches/<branch name here>
3. check out the release branch
4. Make a clean build of the war:
mvn clean package -Denv=test1
5. Coordinate with Questcon to deploy the war onto isda-thalia2 and isda-thalia11 under ROOT (undeploy the ROOT first, and then deploy the new war).
7. send out the release note to questcon. Sometimes we release to QA a few times during the sprint. Please remember to always add or update the release note, so we have a history to go back to.
8. If you have to make configuration changes:
Part of the profile definition is in ime\Trunk\thalia\pom.xml under the profiles section. It specifies which servers to deploy to in each environment. Part of the profile definition is in thalia\ime\Trunk\thalia\src\main\filters*.properties files. It specifies the alfresco server address/port, alfresco passwords for user and admin. To change the development environment, edit dev.properties. To change the test environment, edit test.properites. To change the prodution environment, edit prod.properties.
For details about server config issues, see thalia specific server setup.