Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
hEF1a:CD79A-RFP-G4 SDM #1
hEF1a:CD79A-RFP-G4 SDM #2
hEF1a:CD79A-3T3-G4 1,2,3,4
hEF1a:CD79A-3T9-G4 1,2
hEF1a:CD79A-3T15-G4 1,2,3,4
Number1 - maybe, top band a little high2 - success3 - maybe, top band a little low4 - can't tell because bottom band is hard to distinguish5 - same as 4, plus it's more faint678

9 - maybe,

10, 11, 12
13, 14

there are also faint bands around 0.7kb and 2.0kb though

10 - too faint to tell

11 - fail, but extra bands at 4kb and at low kbs

12 - fail, but extra bands at 4kb and at low kbs

13 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

14 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

15 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

16 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

17 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

18 - fail, but extra band at 4kb

15, 16, 17, 18

EnzymeApaI, NcoIBlpI, XbaIStuIBsaIBsaI   PvuIIPvuIIPvuII
Virtual gel

Failure mode

Success bands

5 kb

3.8 kb

0.85 kb

Failure mode

Success bands

5 kb

3.8 kb

0.85 kb

Concentration (ng/uL)           
DNA volume           
H2O volume           
Buffer volume1.
Enzyme volume1.
