Versions Compared


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BCR 2.0 

Experimental Progress:

Cloning Progress
Parts Tree
Cloning Strategy
Linker Optimization
Antibody Choices 


Useful Links: 

Immediate To Do's:
titleLinker optimization
TaskClaimed byDate CompletedOther Notes
CD79A/B, Gal4VP16, RFP PCR try3CRApr 10


Gel verification of try3 PCR productLAApr 10RFP and Gal4 worked, CD79s didn't - we probably need to redesign primers
Redesign primersLA + CRApr 11CD79A F and R and CD79B F primers were redesigned and ordered
AarI golden gate of CD79A constructLAApr 30 
Take out CD79A golden gate platesLAMay 2 

Make LB

CRMay 4 

CD79A golden gate liquid cultures

LAMay 4

Cultures in at 6pm - need to be taken out by 10/11 am May 5

in 215 shaking incubator

Take out CD79A golden gate liquid culturesLAMay 5In 4C

CD79A golden gate minipreps

LAMay 6In yellow rack in 4C - need to be nanodropped

CD79A golden gate restriction verification

CRMay 6Some promising constructs
Send promising CD79A golden gates for sequencing   
  • CD79A linker golden gates
Redesign CD79B reverse PCR primer   
CD79A linker golden gates
titleVariable region construction
TaskClaimed byDate CompletedOther Notes
Order primers for PCRing constant region  
primers on geneious


  • task dependent on above task
Higher Level To Do's:
  •  Finish Discussing Figures for Experiment list
  •  Decide on other antigen-variable regions we want to test 
  •  Syk-Lyn experiment design 
  •  Receptor dilution experiment design
  •  Other experimental planning