b. By default, Thalia will deploy to isda- thalia-1dev.mit.edu . Edit Branches/branchname/pom.xml to specify a different location. Check the Thalia Environments list for the correct server.
c. To specify tomcat authentication info in Maven, add the following line in settings.xml in $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml . Username and password are for the tomcat manager. Ask if you don't have that information.
d. Deploy with Maven:
mvn tomcat:undeploy
mvn tomcat:deploy
The war will be deployed to ROOT. Undeploy ROOT first This will undeploy ROOT first on the server, then deploy the new war. (How?? Does Maven take care of that? -jbowker )
6. Do a smoke test to confirm Thalia came back up. Brian Childs suggests: