3. Confirm you have access to the svn repository: svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia-maven
0. Before you begin:
Make sure all developers have checked in their code.
For a release, make sure you have no un-committed code changes hanging around with
If there are modified files, either check out a fresh copy or commit your changes.
For a release, write the release notes. The release notes contain a list of what changed in this release: new features, bug fixes, underlying changes like an Alfresco upgrade, etc. Release notes have three purposes: they give QA specific information about what to test; they remind you what changed in the release long after you've forgotten; and they're the raw notes for the email that gets sent to users.
1. Check out the thalia code from svn:
c. To specify tomcat authentication info in Maven, add the following line in settings.xml in $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml
d. Deploy with Maven:
mvn tomcat:deploy