1. Check out the thalia code from svn:
svn checkout svn+ssh://username@svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia-maven
SVN will create or update a directory named thalia-maven with the latest code.
2. If you're doing a release, create a new branch from the trunk. The naming convention for branches is thalia<version>-sprint<num> ( e.g. thalia1.0-sprint2 ). svn
svn copy Trunk/thalia Branches/thalia<version>-sprint<num>
cd Branches/thalia<version>-sprint<num>
3. Make a clean build of the .war file:
cd thalia-maven/trunk/thalia
mvn clean package
4. If you're doing a release and the build completed without error, commit the branch. svn
svn commit
5. Deploy the war:
a. By default, it will deploy to isda-thalia-1.mit.edu . Modify the Branches/branchname/pom.xml file to specify a different location