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Omnibus Preparation
includes the following steps:

  1. If the full proposal submission deadline has passed and PIs need to make adjustments to their full proposals as directed by Admins, the call enters its associated call(s) may be toggled for Final Revision Phase, and their proposals are editable again via the Control Panel.
  2. Proposals to be funded are prepared for the Omnibus.
  3. Omnibus sections are generated using eSeaGrant reports.



To allow PIs to make adjustments to their full proposals via the Control Panel, toggle AFTER the full proposal deadline has passed, set Final Revision Phase for the associated call's Final Revision Phase value (s) to 'active'. When this phase is complete, return this setting to 'inactive'.



At this time, only Only Full Proposals may be toggled for inclusion in the Omnibus., but included full proposals may be drawn from any call.

For  For each Full Proposal that is to be included in the Omnibus, you must (via Full Proposals FMP layout):

  1. Toggle “Include in Omnibus” to 'Yes'
  2. Assign its order within the Omnibus ('Omnibus Index').
  3. (90-2 tab) Assign values for:
    • Project Code and Project Integer
    • Project Status 
    • Grant Number (90-2 grant number assignment automatically updates a proposal's 90-4 grant numbers for the current omnibus cycle),
    • Revision Date (if applicable) 
    • Primary and Secondary Focus Areas
  1. (Budgets tab) Generate coverpages for sub-award 90-4s. [ see Budget Worksheets and 90-4s ] Sub-award coverpages need to be re-generated if you change values in the sub-award they correspond to.
  2. Make sure the current FY is correctly set in the system. Refer to layout 'RFP FMP Configuration Variables', and the field 'current_FY_global';  it should be set to the current year.
