If something goes wrong with one of our reservation at the last minute, the CAC night manager will usually be able to help. We usually try to be accommodating when we can and they usually go out of their way to make it all right for us. They can be reached by calling 617-253-1500 and asking for the CAC Night Manager. It is suggested that the officers store this phone number in their cell phones. If the temperature is the problem, please call Facilities at 617-253-1500. (617-253-4948 (x3-4948 = xFIXIT) also works, but during off-hours, will send you to a phone tree that just redirects you to 617-253-1500.) Note that it will take a while for the room temperature to adjust, so you should call them early in the dance, or even before the dance starts, if there is a problem.
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