General Information and Background
The Class Coordinator is an elected officer of Tech Squares and acts as a liaison between the class and the club, officers, caller and cuer. The Coordinator's encouragement may be a critical factor in whether the class members feel welcome and want to become part of the club. Specific responsibilities of the job are outlined here and in the Tech Squares Constitution and Standing Policies.
Historical note: Until about 1990, the Class Coordinator had a fairly straightforward role: To guide the class and plan the first few nights of class as well as graduation. After 1990, the Coordinator's job became more involved, with the Coordinator taking on a more active role. There were now class meetings and weekly emails to the class. The Class Assistant's role was also more formalized; previously, the 7:30 review session was led by various club members, whereas today it is taught by an appointed person (currently Bill Ackerman).
Job Description
Basically, you are in charge of everything that has to do with the class. Some of this can be delegated, but you still have to be aware of most of it. Here's the list:
Make sure class members get partners and get into squares quickly and balance squares as needed (sometimes you'll need to get club to make additional squares to do this)
- Get names and pertinent information from class members, take attendance, take admission
- Run class meeting each week
- Attend walkthrus and make sure there is a caller for walkthrus
- Plan the class dance and any extra review sessions
- Send weekly emails to the class and maintain the class mailing list
- Place the badge order
- Keep tabs on class related supplies in the locker, so you know when to ask the Treasurer to order more
- Make class badges and place the club badge order
- Design and order t-shirts (this could be delegated)
Run an EC meeting to determine who will graduate the class and provide recommendations
Remove people from the class as needed, and speak to class members who are problematic
Maintain lists of calls and definitions taught in the class (this should already be on the website, but if it's not,you can get the webmaster to fix it)
- Organize graduation
- Add new graduates to the club roster and mailing lists
- Act as a liaison between the class and club
- (can't be delegated) Be a member of the Executive Committee and all that entails (usually just means some EC meetings, but can vary)
Job Recommendations
These aren't requirements, but having many of these attributes will make you a better Class Coordinator.
- organized
- able to lead a group
- able to make hard decisions/disappoint people
- knowledgeable about square dance topics (you'll have to talk about things like giving weight and making lines in class meeting)
- strong dancer (you need to be a good model, and you should be able to answer questions)
- able to call if you absolutely have to (if Bill is late to walkthrus, could you start reviewing without him?)
- good at fixing people while dancing (you're going to be dancing with the class at lot, especially at walkthrus)
- know call definitions well and can explain "unusual" usages (the class will ask)
- enthusiastic about helping people learn square dancing
- willing to miss most of the club tips
- able to make it (almost) every week
- familiar with some of the other officers and how the club runs (you'll need to work with them, but if you don't start out familiar with them, you'll pick it up)
Recent Class Coordinators have included Veronica Boyce, Jonathan Tidor, Tracy Gangwer, Benji Fisher, Cally Perry, JB Segal, and Brian Hanechak.