This page outlines the process for proposing a new course

If a faculty member would like to propose a new course, it should first be reviewed but the MSRED Curriculum Committee to ensure the content is unique and relevant to the program.

Once approved, the faculty member needs to provide the following for it to be entered into Subject Management:

  • Course Syllabus
  • Brief Course Title
  • Brief course description for the catalog with neutral, simple language

They must also provide the following:

  • Course Title
  • Term Offered
  • Pre-requisites or Co-requisites
  • Unit Distribution
  • Ex: 3 - 0 - 9
    • First is the number of units assigned for recitation and lecture (in class hours).
    • Second is the number of units for laboratory, design, or fieldwork.
    • Third is for out-of-class preparation.
    • 1 unit = 1 hour work per week X the length of the term (approximately 14 hours).
  • If your course has a formal recitation that requires the scheduling of a classroom, you may want the recitation hours to be included toward "in-class" units.
  • Grading (P/D/F or Letter)
  • Enrollment Limitations

The above information is entered into Subject Proposal management.

Deadlines are early Sept for spring courses and early May for fall courses.

To get the best results, send the faculty an example of a current course listing for reference.

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