Introduction: This page lists catering services regularly used by the CRE
Click here for a list of MIT preferred caterers
Use the Commodities drop down menu and select catering
- Baker's Best
- Basil Tree Catering — Good option for vegetarian, special diets.
- Brother's Marketplace — Near Kendall Square
- Cafe Luna — Lead time-48 hours
- Dominics (Waltham) — I don't know if these guys cater to MIT, but they were delicious. Delete if they don't cater to MIT
- EZ Catering — Can connect to a wide range of dining options via this service.
- Flour — Does not deliver for orders under $250
- Genki Ya
- Jules
- Milk Street Cafe — Offers 5% discount to MIT
- Naco Taco
MIT Media Lab Preffered Vendors: