Script for QuickStart video: share4.cp
Download the script in Word format: share4.cp download Word document with script - retains formatting.
set up for this video:
• item is in "My Stuff" library (or any library except Domain Library)
• item is in a library, owned by owner of library.
• item is shared to someone else.
(Intro caption is gold)
1. Sharing with Thalia:
a. Learn how to change the owner of a folder or item.
2. How to change the owner of an item:
3. Login as domain admin; public library will load; navigate to "My Stuff".
a. Select an item
b. Click on "share item"
c. Select the "Share item" tab.
d. Show the current owner of the item
e. Show the current set of share permissions
4. Select the "Change owner" tab:
a. Select a user ID to be the item's new owner.
b. Click "Change owner".
c. Show box that appears, (need a long shot of this).
i. Show that the box is checked, so the item will inherit permissions from the library - this is the default for all items.
ii. Click on the "share library" button.
iii. Show the permissions granted on the library
iv. Explain that when the "inherit permissions" box is checked, these permissions will still be granted on the item.
d. Click "Confirm Change".
e. Show the red message that appears.
5. Show the library share permissions again - point out that they remain as they were.
6. Return to the "Share Item" pane.
a. Show the new owner of the item.
b. Show the current set of share permissions
o Explain that these have also not changed, even though the owner has changed.
o Explain that any of these permissions can be deleted now, if so desired. (use simpler language).
7. Change owner - disable "inherit permissions".
a. Select the same item; change the owner again to someone new (not the previous owner).
b. Uncheck the "inherit permissions" box.
c. Click the "Change owner" button.
d. Show the new red message that appears. Explaining this is important.
i. Click the "share library" button again.
1. Show the current permissions on the library
2. Explain that these permissions are no longer present on the item even though they appear in the "share library" pane.
ii. Click the "Share Item" pane.
1. Show that current permissions on the item do still apply.
2. Delete these permissions
3. Explain that now, only the new owner can access the item.
8. Change Owner - Multiple items
9. Select two items:
a. Click on "share item" button.
i. Show that the owner does not appear on the share pane - because we are dealing with multiple items.
b. Change owner as before (except way faster).
c. Show the red message (it's in the plural) that these items' owner has been changed.