Manage Domain Overview: Script for domain0.cp

Download the Word script here (retains formatting).

Manage Domain Overview:

Make sure all settings for the domain are at their defaults before beginning.

Intro caption (gold): Manage your domain: All the things you can customize.

The goal of this video is to show that each area exists, but not how to use it. Pause long enough to be able to fit in the captions and voice. Spend more time showing "Statistics"; this video is the only place it will appear.

1.    Manage Users:
a.    Add user
b.    Edit user
c.    Delete user
d.    Add group
e.    Delete group

2.    Metadata: Dublin Core
a.    Label of field
b.    Hide unused fields
c.    Make field internal use only
d.    Type of field: text box, select box, text area
e.    Preview pane

3.    Custom Metadata:
a.    Create new custom fields
b.    Create new options for field
c.    Delete custom options or fields
d.    (Fields and options cannot be edited.)

4.    Settings:
a.    Can rename Public library
b.    Can choose a different URL for the "Help" link
c.    Can change item hover tip.
d.    Clear upload form of data between uploads
e.    Hide slideshows
f.    Limit your domain to MIT community only.

5.    Statistics:
a.    Updated nightly - changes will NOT be viewable until tomorrow.
b.    See how much disk space your domain is using.
c.    See how many users are registered in your domain
d.    See how many items
e.    ...and how many folders.

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