- Team recognizes that SASHServer build is late. Cause attributed to laborious workflow for non-OIS team members to adjust and test loadsets. Mark and Garry discuss solutions and agree to propose solution by 11/10/2008. This might affect timeline but technology and process is new. No one surprised. This will be apparent on the next project summary that goes to the VP Staff review.
- Garry Zacheiss articulates that "radmind as a service" is targeted for, at most, two or three other IS&T teams. Process and technology design need only be designed to scale to that level of effort.
- Team decides that as part of process, IS&T directorates using "radmind as a service" would have to designate a specific team with application management and configuration management responsibilities central to the directorate. Steve to document.
- Virtual machine "src-dev," slated for the developer tools project, is not in active use so the team will use it to vet radmind loadsets.
- Versioning scheme for application-server loadsets is documented is approved as part of ISDA's Integration Coordination manual.
{"serverDuration": 94, "requestCorrelationId": "840865929e019c9c"}