- Notes
- Steve
- ID'd document types and listed in a doc on the wiki
- JSP to pull in / read an RSS feed for the System Status functionality on the page
- Static pages as JSPs instead of HTML files?
- Can do more with JSPs (as far as includes)
- Ann-Patrice
- Increased accuracy of "Is it an IS&T page or not" script
- Checking out new features in 2.0.1 (particularly the "browse repository" feature)
- Tested TinyMCE changes / features
- Almost all pages will fit into the general content authoring templates... all except for the 2 column pages
- Hunter
- TinyMCE Upgrade
- Oracle installation
- Joe
- Integrating our stuff into 2.0.1 - has generated a flood of Jira issues
- Not getting answers to his questions
- When will 2.0.2 be available?
- What do we do when we find bugs in the code?
- Patch bugs ourselves and deal with it in the future?
- What is the point of reporting a bug if there isn't going to be a patch?
- What is the difference between what we are paying for and a community member?
- How do you upgrade the database?
- The more that this stuff happens, the more he will keep patching locally (like WCM-88 and WCM-89) since we cannot wait on Alfresco to be able to use the webforms
- To Do's
- Josh - Contact Sandy
- Set up a CS1 project for MITAA
- Consolidate calls
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