- get access to the MCS login nodes (login.mcs.anl.gov) y
ou should be able to access balewski@nimbus.magellancloud.org. That is the head node for the nimbus magellan cloud. In your home directory you will find the subdirectory nimbus-cloud-client-018. Our cloud client is installed there. Try the following commands to make sure you installation is sane:
cd nimbus-cloud-client-018
./bin/cloud-client.sh --list
you should see the following out put:
Image 'ubuntu10.10' Read only
Modified: Dec 9 2010 @ 15:57 Size: 2147483648 bytes (~2048 MB)
That is a common image to get users started. You can run it with the following command:
./bin/cloud-client.sh -run --name ubuntu10.10 --hours 1
You should see something that indicates the hostname/IP of the new VM. Try sshing into it as root to access the new VM.
Let me know of any problems or any help that you need.
Practical instruction
1) Connect to an MCS login node via ssh:
ssh -A -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa-balewski-anl balewski@login.mcs.anl.gov
2) jump to user04 node:
ssh -A -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa-balewski-anl nimbus.magellancloud.org
Do the transfer of VM image and the launch as separate steps:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --transfer --sourcefile ../sl11b-02c.gz
SL11c w/ 150 GB:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --run --hours 320 --name sl11bc-150g-01.gz
SL11c_1 w/ 150 GB:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --run --hours 320 --name sl11bc-150g-02.gz
To see status do:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --status
To terminate unused handles do:
./bin/cloud-client.sh --terminate --handle vm-009
3) login to instance:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@...
it is your key ~balewski/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
(or something like that, check the filename)
which gets loaded into the image so you need to do
4) You make this change in your cloud.properties file:
find and alter: