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The evolution of convective boundary layers and convective plumes is studied as an analogue of dry atmospheric and oceanic convection.

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  1. 1. Comment on your general experience with the experiment.
  2. 2. Post images of your own or links to video - see Posting Help.
  3. 3. Post tips on carrying out the experiment in the Experiment Tipspage.
  4. 4. Teachers should use the For Teachers page to share feedbacks and curriculum material. 


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  1. Please add your comments below, following the Posting Help page.

  2. I am a student in 12.307 Weather and Climate Laboratory - an undergraduate laboratory course. Results from the convection experiment I did as a project for this class are posted here:


    Student: Katheryn Decker French

    Email: k_french@mit.edu

  3. I am an undergraduate student at MIT, and I conducted this experiment through the class 12.307 - Weather and Climate Lab.  A report on my project and findings can be found here:


  4. Hi all!  I'm yet another undergraduate student from MIT adding yet another report on this experiment from 12.307, the Weather and Climate Lab.  You can read up on my report at this link:


    I hope you find it informative!

  5. Sandhya and Katie have uploaded their presentation from this experiment!
    Check it out here: https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/PAOCLABG/Lab+3+Convection

  6. I am an MIT senior in Architecture, who has been attending 12.307 - Weather and Climate Laboratory. Here is my report of the Convection project. Bill McKenna

  7. Hi, I'm an undergrad in 12.307: Weather and Climate Lab. Below is a link to a page that discusses some of the things I found most interesting in the Convection lab. Hope you enjoy!
