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In this project, we study the radial balance of forces in a vortex.

Please use the space below to:

  1. 1. Comment on your general experience with the experiment.
  2. 2. Post images of your own or links to video - see Posting Help.
  3. 3. Post tips on carrying out the experiment in the Experiment Tipspage.
  4. 4. Teachers should use the For Teachers page to share feedbacks and curriculum material. 


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  1. Please add your comments below, following the Posting Help page.

  2. I am a student in 12.307 Weather and Climate Laboratory - an undergraduate laboratory course. Results from the balanced vortex experiment I did as a project for this class are posted here: https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/PAOCLABG/MITspring2009

    Student: Katheryn Decker French    Email: k_french@mit.edu

  3. I am a student in AOS 801-1: Rotating Tank Laboratory.  Results from the balanced vortex experiment have been summarized in a project report which can be found in the in the attached write up of the project 801-vortex.pdf. Students: Kathryn Mozer and Lee Welhouse
    Email:  kmozer@wiscmail.com and ljwelhouse@wiscmail.com

  4. See Experiment Tips for some new ideas from students at UMassD on how to use a valve instead of a cork .  

  5. I am an MIT student, attending 12.307 Climate and Weather Laboratory in the Spring of 2010.
    My oral presentation for this project can be found here - George Waitaka

  6. Hello. We are MIT undergraduates Kristin Berry and Roman Kowch presenting our findings on the Balanced Motion project from 12.307 (Weather & Climate Laboratory) in Spring 2010. Click here to navigate to our page and explore our results.

  7. I am an MIT student, attending 12.307 Climate and Weather Laboratory in the Spring of 2010. A pdf of my report for this project can be found here - Kyle Miller

  8. I am an MIT student in 12.307. My analysis of the conservation of angular momentum in the laboratory balanced flow experiment is here.

    Todd Mooring

  9. I am an MIT student in 12.307. Here is my report for Project 1 on Mass and Wind Balance. Drew Whisenant. Mass and Wind