Intercepted Signals for Ionospheric Science : A Coherent Software Radar Network

Frank D. Lind (1), John D. Sahr (2), John C. Foster (1)



Radio Science instrumentation has evolved over the last few years to...

Software Radio Systems and Radio Science

Design of the ISIS Array

  • === The Millstone Mobile Data Acquisition System (MIDAS-M) ===

    === ISIS Grid Computing Infrastructure ===

    === ISIS Software Radar Structure ===

    === ISIS Array Deployment ===

ISIS Array Capabilities

  • === Multistatic Passive Radar ===

    === Multistatic Active Radar ===

    === Spectral Monitoring ===

    === Scintillation Monitoring and Beacon Intercept ===

    === Future Capabilities ===

ISIS Array Applications

  • === Mid-latitude Ionospheric Irregularities ===

    === Sub-auroral Polarization Streams ===

    === RFI Characterization ===



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