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Van Dierendonck , A. J. and A. J. Coster, “Benefits of GPS Modernization to the Atmospheric Science Community,“ in Proceedings of ION 57th Annual Meeting, 11-13 June, 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico. IONNTM2001_Paper_final.pdf

Coster, A. J., J. C. Foster, P. J. Erickson, Monitoring the Ionosphere with GPS, GPS World, p. 40-45, May. 2003. gpsworld2003.pdf

Foster, J. C., P. J. Erickson, A. J. Coster, J. Goldstein, and F. J. Rich, Ionospheric signatures of plasmaspheric tails, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(13), 10.1029/2002GL015067, 2002.

Coster, A. J. and P. Doherty, The GPS ionospheric working group, GPS Solutions, in press, doi:10.1007/S10291-004-0095-5, 2004.Workshop_Summary_Final.pdf

Nicolls, M. J., M. C. Kelly, A. J. Coster, S. A. Gonzalez, J. J. Makela, “Imaging the structure of a large-scale TID using ISR and TEC Data,” Geophysical Research Lett., Vol. 31, L09812, doi:10.1029/2004GC 019797, 2004.2004GL019797.pdf

Foster, J. C., A. J. Coster, P. J. Erickson, F. J. Rich, B. R. Sandel, “Stormtime Observations of the Flux of Plasmaspheric Ions to the Dayside Cusp/Magnetopause,” Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, L08809, doi:10.1029/2004GLO20082, 2004. Foster_flux_rev2.pdf

Erikson, P.J., J.C. Foster, A.J. Coster and M.M Pratt (1999), Simultaneous GPS and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Ionospheric Density Gradients During Geomagnetically Disturbed Conditions, in Proceedings of Institute of Navigation 55th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, 28-30 June, pp. 363-372. gps_paper.pdf

Close, S. M. Oppenheim, S. Hunt, A. Coster, “A technique for calculating meteor plasma density and meteoroid mass from radar head echo scattering, Icarus, 168, 43-53, doi. 10.1016/j/icarus.2003.11.018, 2004.Icarus_sigridclose.pdf

Doherty, P., A. Coster, W. Murtagh, “Space Weather Effects of October-November 2003, submitted to GPS Solutions, 2004. GPS_Solutions_June04.pdf

Skone, S., A. Coster, V. Hoyle, C. Laurin, “WAAS Availability and Performance at High Latitudes,” ION GPS/GNSS 2003, 1279-1287, Portland, Oregon, 9-12 Sept 2003. SkoneION2003.pdf

Toews, C., A. Coster, L. Thornton, E. Phelps, S. Shulman, “Ionosphere Model for Correcting Satellite Radar Observations,” ION GPS/GNSS 2003, 1683-1691, Portland, Oregon, 9-12 Sept 2003. GPS_ION03_TOEWS_FINAL.pdf

Skone, S., R. Yousuf, A. Coster, “Wide Area Navigation Algorithm for Marine Users,” ENC GNSS 2004, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 17-19, 2004.

Skone, S., R. Yousuf, A. Coster, “Combating the Perfect Storm - Improving Marine Differential GPS Accuracy with a Wide-Area Network,” GPS World, p.31-38, October 2004. gpsworld.october04.pdf

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