Blog from November, 2012

Ticket challenge writeup

NEU Team " " has posted a nice writeup of the ticket challenge:  see Ticket page for link.

2012 MITLL CTF is over!

Congratulations to the MIT's Demolition Express (1st place), BU's BUILDS2 (2nd place), and BU's BUILDS (3rd place) teams!  Northeastern's team " " once again showed its prowess as an attacker and gets to keep the MIT/LL CTF flag after earning the most 0wns in the game.

Thanks to all who came and played this weekend.  We had a great time organizing this event, and hope you had a good time and learned a few things.

We now have a CTF Post Mortem page, which is an editable portion of the wiki (you have to register for an account, though).  Please post your write-ups of the MIT/LL CTF challenges there.  If you prefer, you can post the write-up on your own site and send us a link; we'll add it to the appropriate page.

The "5 minutes of fame" presentations are now up on the CTF Post Mortem page as well.

Hope you had a good time.  If you're interested in working on computer security problems for more than just a weekend, see our website at and drop us a line - we're currently hiring for both summer internship and full-time positions.

Extra hour of hacking, brought to you by DST!

Enjoy an extra hour of sleep (or hacking!), courtesy of daylight savings time.  See you at 8am EDT tomorrow!

Competition starts tomorrow - registration at 8am in 26-152

The 2012 MIT/LL CTF will officially commence tomorrow, Saturday, November 3.  Registration (along with donuts and coffee!) starts at 8am in 26-152.  Competition proper begins at 9am.  Please see Events Calendar page for details.

Get some sleep.  And good luck!

Please review the FAQ page

Additional details on what you should and shouldn't change on your Team VM have been posted to the FAQ page.  It will be updated reasonably frequently as questions/answers come up.

Please review the rules for the MITLL CTF

Please familiarize yourself with The Rules for MIT/LL CTF; you're expected to follow them.  Send us e-mail if you have any questions. 

Events calendar updated with competition details

Please see updates on the Events Calendar for detailed competition schedule.

Team VM remote access now available

Team VMs for the 2012 MIT/LL CTF are now available via remote access (SSH). The VMs are substantially similar (though not entirely identical) to the one you were given at the first lecture, and has the following installed and configured:

  • Ubuntu
  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • Wordpress
  • OpenSSH
  • ntpd

The firewall (ufw) will be enabled and only allow SSH and NTP inbound connections.

To get access to your team's VM, your team captain needs to e-mail us an SSH pubkey.  Once received, we will confirm receipt by e-mailing all team members with the fingerprint of this key and instructions on how to access the VM.

Since this is the simplest way for us to give you access, please e-mail us an SSH pubkey even if you do not intend to access the VM before the competition.

You can generate an SSH key pair using the following command on a Linux/Unix system:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

This will create two files: id_rsa (private key) and (public key). Please send us ONLY the public key, and make sure your private key is appropriately protected and backed up.