ClimateX 1.5 Staging


Item #PageZone / Detail




1.5 or


ClimateX Team CommentPenzias NotesStatus
1Global Style M1.5

Insert MIT favicon for all pages (currently it uses a Drupal favicon), so browser tabs read: "<MIT logo> ClimateX - <Page Name>

2  H1.5

Add global link behavior as follows: Link is different color to signify its a link (ie green). On hover, link becomes underlined.

30.1 Global NavigationLogoH1.5

ClimateX should not have space in logo: "ClimateX" not "Climate X"

4  H1.5MIT logo should not be active link to MIT home page.

Did Bara give the OK for this?

ODL needs to provide a redesigned logo – per Bara, this does not conform to standards.


Ready for review

5 Primary Left NavM1.5

For hover over state in navigation menu items – make navigation label bold.

5.1 Topic DropdownH1.5

Replace all existing Topics with these terms and in this order in all navigation menus or dropdowns:

  1. Nature 
  2. Climate Science 
  3. Food & Agriculture   
  4. Health  
  5. Communities  
  6. Religion & Ethics   
  7. Politics 
  8. Business 
  9. Technology  
  10. Energy 
  11. Transportation  
  12. Infrastructure
5.15  N1.6Add "All Topics" to dropdown  
5.2  H 

Remove “Projects" from the top level navigation

Decided to keep and add content for 5/8 soft launch (LF)

6 Activity Alerts ZoneM1.5

Alt text for Alerts should read: "View activity you're following" – with "No recent activity" added to end if relevant

Changed message

7  M1.5Alt text for Messages should read: "View your messages" – with "No new messages" added to end if relevantDone 
8  N1.5Not seeing alerts in this zone when people I am following create posts or make comments.

We don't have alert counts in this round.

Penzias will create feature to notify on the website on new activity since last login. See business rules for what qualifies as activity in item 18...

9 Message Alerts Zone  


10 My ProfileM1.5

Clicking on username (without navigating to drop down options) should take user to her/his profile

Currently it does this in desktop. But it cannot do this in mobile unless we remove the dropdown feature for mobile all together.

Yup - OK


Banner CTA

(only seen if unauthenticated)


We wanted to see a persistent banner CTA just below the navigation encouraging people to sign up as they navigate through the site...See below...

Done. This is persistent for anonymous users everywhere except the home page and user login/registration pages.


12 BreadcrumbsN1.5?Add breadcrumbs to all pages

Breadcrumbs were not part of the original design.

Problematic because of our tagging system - no clear parent.

ODL needs to consider this and provide recommendation

See the proposed solution here:

12.5  N1.5?

Add "primary topic" field to all post/videopages.


NOTE: The primary topic should be prefilled when someone chooses to post from a specific topic page.

This will allow each post to have a designated breadcrumb parent, which improves SEO



See the proposed solution here: 

130.2 Footer M1.5Add link "Feedback" that goes to ""

Where in the footer would you like this to go?

We need to design a footer and give to Mike


Ready for review


14  H1.5Deactivate link for username in the table of messages – you should only be able to click on the message.In progress 
150.3 Messages Table Page H1.5I think the "Write New Message" button is problematic – because you need to select a member to send it to – which creates a complex loop – how does the user select a member? I think it should be removed.

Done. Has been removed.

16  M1.5

For each row in Message Table:

  • Add icon image to left of checkbox (this is clickable to go to Member detail page)
  • Make member name non-clickable – deactivate link
17  M1.5The action bar spreads all the way across the page. Should be not so wide...In progress 
180.4 Activity Table N1.5

This should show entries where:

-- see business rules below...

We need to see what's possible in this round. Some of these are easier than others. Some involve items that won't be built until next round. 
19   N 1.5

Activity tracks when:

  • Userhascreateda Post and someone else makes a Comment to that post.
20   1.5

 Activity tracks when:

  • User has followed a Member and that Member makes a Post or Comment
21  1.6 

 Activity tracks when:

  • User has followed a Member and that Member decides to Follow someone
22  1.6 

Activity tracks when:

  • User has Liked a Post and someone has commented on that Post
22.4  N1.6
  • User likes (1.5) or follows (1.6) a Topic and there is a new post or comments in that Topic
22.50.5Feedback pageN1.5

Create a page for when someone has feedback.

Page contains the following fields:

  1. Name / email: (prefilled if user is logged in)
  2. Comments: Large open text box.

Here is proposed copy...

231.0 Home PageHero Image ZoneH1.5Lighten hero image overlay (~.3 opacity? currently at .5)Done 
23.1  M1.5Remove Polar Bear image from set of images that load.Done 
23.15  L1.5Use only the following images for Home Page hero images. Remove all others (get rid of the glacier images mostly...)PRIORITY FOR 5/9 
23.2 Home Page RevisionH1.5We would like to update the home page structure to resemble the following mock up.   
24 Topic ButtonsM 

Mobile: topics should extend full screen for small screen sizes

Everything should really respect the padding gutter in this section. 
25  M Topic titles should not wrap mid-word (preferably not at all) - assign width properties based upon screen width

I don't see individual words wrapping, but I see breaks to new lines when the width gets small. We can modify here.

Most likely this will be done by increasing space vs proportional font size. Proportional font size would not be a good choice here given the size of the text starts out small.

26  H For all columns - reduce padding for smaller screen widthsIn progress 
27 Twitter FeedH For all columns - reduce padding for smaller screen widthsIn progress 
28 Active MembersM 

Between 770px - 830px: 3rd column (members/site feed) wraps below topics column

Yes, this is by design. At this point, there is no longer enough real estate to span 3 columns (even if we reduce padding) and there is too much real estate to have them all span 100% like they do in mobile.

29  H For all columns - reduce padding for smaller screen widthsIn progress 
30 Site FeedM 

Between 770px - 830px: 3rd column (members/site feed) wraps below topics column

Yes, this is by design. At this point, there is no longer enough real estate to span 3 columns (even if we reduce padding) and there is too much real estate to have them all span 100% like they do in mobile. 
31  H For all columns - reduce padding for smaller screen widthsIn progress 
321.1Log inpageFormN1.5On login, users should navigate to the page they were last on if possible. Currently we send them to My Profile page, when user chooses to log in from the Utility Nav login link.

Will look into it. Should discuss.

We want all logins to return to source page.

This represents a new feature.

LF signed up as new user and bug is still here.

Ready for review
331.2 Members-only Intercept (login / signup)Form  


341.3 Sign Up Form H1.5Remove username from view by userDone. This user registration now generates a random username based on first name and last name. 
34.5Drupal / Mailchimp integration N1.5On sign up drupal should send member info to mailchimp so they receive a welcome email.PRIORITY FOR 5/9 
352.0 Topic Detail PageTitle and Intro CopyH1.5

Give Admin privileges to:

Mark Brown

Kelly McCann

Will grant admin privileges.

We want to edit:

  • Topic categories / taxonomy (vocabulary list)
  • Topic page copy
  • Video page copy
  • Create video posts

Admin role was granted to Mark and Kelly.
35.5  N1.6Create "All Topics" page 

See proposed treatment here:

35.6  N1.6Create text field above the topics listing on 'All Topics' page - currently the intro page copy is added as a sub-header (workaround)  


1.6Can we add a button to "follow/unfollow" this topic? – which is essentially the same as signing up for that topic on signup.

Need to discuss. May need to launch without this and introduce shortly after launch.

ODL needs to think through the design implications – where do you go after, and how is this controlled? Where does it appear? It should update your profile

On ODL to think this through...
37 Add Post CTAH1.5Buttons should read "Login" and "Sign Up" (not Register)DoneReady for review
38 PostsH1.5Posts do not currently display uploaded images. This is not the desired behavior – we want uploaded images to display above posts.

Done. The "test" image field was removed (all test image data is gone). There is now a "post image" field and its data displays on post listings and post detail pages.

39  N1.5Can you "like" a post in the brief view?We will give Mike a design

ODL supplies design for Like in a Brief and Expanded Post view

Ready to implement – see prototypes below:

Compact Post 

Full Post

39.1  H1.6I should be able to edit (or delete) posts that I've created – can we make an edit link appear for those posts which I – as just a regular member ( not an admin) created?  
39.2    images have very high minimum pixel requirement for photo uploads - can this be reduced?  

Photo alignment options while inserting photos in WYSIWYG box don't work (none, left, center, right) - all are aligned to the left also, not sure if we need both photo insertion options (see above)

40 Contributors Zone     
41 Related Videos     
422.1 Post DetailPostN1.5

Ability to "like" a post

We will give Mike a design

ODL supplies design for Like in a Brief and Expanded Post view

Ready to implement:

Compact Post

Full Post

43 Add Comments CTAN1.5

This should be stronger and more prominent to encourage comments

  • Add Button "Make a Comment"
  • Make the Comment count stronger.


In progress


See prototypes for design:

Mike Note: Last time we spoke, we decided not to have the like/unlike feature on the post listings, only on the individual post/detail page. Thought was, "how can folks like it if they haven't read it yet". Has that changed?

Mark says: Yes – we felt it was an unobtrusive add – so we'd like it to show up for both topic page and detail page as detailed in both comps above.

44 Most Recent CommentsH1.5Comments should be listed in reverse-chronological order: most recent posts should be listed firstDone 
45 Contributors Zone     
46 Related Posts     
472.2 Add PostFormH1.5Make Add Image > Crop Image a more user-friendly flow...Done

Ready for review


47.1  H1.5Create Post needs a "cancel" buttonDoneReady for review
48 Topics checkbox select     
492.3 Add CommentForm     
503.0 Videos LanderTitle and Opening Copy     
51 Video GridH Adjust video title div size to not exceed video underlay dimensions  

Video Entry

(Image, Member, Descrip, Topics)

53 List of Topics     
543.1 Video DetailPrimary Video     
55 Related Topics     
56 Add Comments CTA     
57 CommentsH1.5

Remove the "Reply" link from each listed comment.

Theuser cannnot actually reply to a specific comment...they are simply adding a new comment to the video post.

58  H1.5

Comments should be in reverse chronological order.

Newest comments on top.

59 Related Videos     
60 Related Posts     
614.0 MembersFiltersH1.5Filter dropdowns need to be themed; margins need to be corrected

Can adjust margins. Should talk about what the expected theme is vs the design we have.

OK, we will supply design


Ready for review


62  H1.5

Add "Filter By" label above dropdowns



Ready for review


63 Member tableH1.5

Separate location into two lines: city/state, country


DoneReady for review
64  H 

Re-label: "# of posts/comments" -> "Activity level" (question)

Our initial pass was going to be creating a line break. We did that, let's take a look. 
65  H1.5Add Interest Topics to each entry.In progress 
66  H1.5Make # of posts / comments sortable  
674.1 Member Profile DetailGeneralN1.5

We would like to restrict access to this page unless you're signed up.

You can see the member table (4.0), but you should be prompted for login/signup (1.2) to get to this page.

68 Photo, Topics, Education     
70 Bio + Follow, Message buttons     
71 Recent Activity     
724.2 Compose MessageForm     
73 Messages inbox pageH1.5

Lock down the "To" field


745.0 My ProfilePhoto, Topics, EducationN1.5

Need a way to "unsubscribe" from a Topic

You can do this by editing profile.

75  Followers, FollowingN1.6

Need a way to "unfollow" someone on the My Profile page.

I guess you click on that person, then you can unfollow them on that profile page.

76  Bio + Edit buttonsH1.5The current "View/Edit" tab at top of My Profile should become a simple Edit button, and it would be nice if we could get into more of a WYSIWYG mode, instead of the form for 5.1 Edit My Profile (see below)


77  Recent Activity     
78 FormattingL1.5Remove top margin from user-profile profile - top two blocks should be at same heightDone 
795.1 Edit My ProfileFormN1.5We should migrate this page into more of a WYSIWYG editing format – where you can edit the blocks, instead of editing the entire form.ODL should work on giving Mike the right groupings of text for this form

Ready for review. Modifying the profile form is very tricky. This is as close as we could get for the time being.



80  H1.5Relabel "Interests" to "Specific Areas of Interest"Done 
81  M1.5Free text entry is confusing in this Interests area - add directions. Enter one-by-one? Insert commas in between topics?

This is a comma separated type-ahead field. We should add directions/helper text for that.

ODL needs to add copy

Ready for review. Modifying the profile form is very tricky. This is as close as we could get for the time being.


82  M1.5Last name should go above "Location"

In Progress

ODL is supplying proper order and grouping of fields


Ready for review.

83  M1.5Upon submit – unless there's a problem – the user should return to the My Profile (ie View) page (5.0)


83.1  H1.5This form needs a "Cancel" buttonDoneReady for review.
846.0 ProjectsCurrently emptyH1.5 

ODL plans to remove this page for now. 4/28 update: will be adding content for soft launch.

 We need admin rights.

857.0 ResourcesCurrently emptyM1.5Add link to 'Resources' page to footer

Are we making a small primary menu item only type menu in the footer? What does this look like? Where does it go in the footer?

We will redesign and supply footer


Ready for review


868.0 About ClimateXCurrently emptyM1.5Addlinkto 'About' page to footer

Are we making a small primary menu item only type menu in the footer? What does this look like? Where does it go in the footer?

We will redesign and supply footer


Ready for review


8810.0 EMAILSNotification email (someone commented/posted in a Topic you were following)N These have a tendency to go to junk mail. Is there a way to prevent that?I was under the impression that email notifications were out. We don't have email notification on this version of the site for alerts. 
89 Email Notifications for Site ActivityN1.6What are existing notifications rules?

Notificaitons – counting on site

Notifications –emailnotificaitons

ODL needs to create email notification toggles in My Profile page. In order to properly execute notificatinos strategy.

Penzias tells us existing notifications rules
90 Welcome email  Ability to edit (and perhaps suppress) username  
9111   We need to create a Terms and Policies pageODL works on this.ODL creates page and supplies copy
  • No labels