March, Week 2
- MM set Tomcat 5.5, and basic certs, etc. so Pet Clinic App can be deployed out of the box
- MM to do an ant script, maven if he can figure it out
- DT deploy Roles WS to Finniganfen, give people the info they need
- DT get an app cert for "SampleApp"
March, Week 3
-MM make an Eclipse project for Pet App, if we can't automate provide setup info etc so people know what to do
-Take Eamon's Acegi stuff and put it into Pet Clinic app, later we'll review and fix it up to our specs (NW & DT)
March, Week 4
- Continue to take Eamon's Acegi stuff and put it into Pet Clinic app, later we'll review and fix it up to our specs (NW & DT)
- MM make an Eclipse project for Pet App, if we can't automate provide setup info etc so people know what to do
- Obtain a development server for sharing.