talking about struts 1 and 2...
Tomcat 6 is generally released (SourceLabs) - use the SourceLabs feeds to get news on what is going on
- sample app is high, Pet Clinic in SVN
- create an app cert for the sample app and create some AuthZ in Roles to support it; talk to Jim R (test Roles DB)
- how do you give people access so they can edit roles as needed?
Craig's app:
- using Struts2, Freemarker, SiteMesh, appFuse
- maven archetype for Struts2
- needs to have it by May 1 for himself, will use as a testbed to give back what he learns
The Pet Clinic app:
- basis for Acegi integration
- will use "standard" UI layers
Acegi goals:
1: get Acegi using MIT certs; future plans for Web SSO Provider into Acegi. If apps program to Acegi, they should not have to worry about the authN mechanism; we do have to agree on name format (includes both username and domain) as guest users, OpenId, etc are future possibilities. Should have a toolbox to deal with parsing the names into something useful
2: can x do y with z? plug in web service to Acegi for this; can get explicit or expanded implicit ones
3: user details; "eduperson" type of person web service (not yet developed)
Building/Development notes:
- Initial kit will be jdk 1.5, and people stuck on 1.4.2 will deal with compatibility issues
- any JAR file distributions will be 1.4 compatible (or 1.4 and 1.5 versions)
- any app should be buildable without an IDE, but Eclipse will be the default