

user autocomplete metadata

costObject Metadata
listCOScenarios(CO, withchildren)

Project period maintenance



Method searchByParm
Description Searches the cost collector set and returns matches based on the passed in parameters
Parameters Array Parm An associative array of key value pairs for search parameters
Return coResultType Returns cost object details for all of the matching cost objects.
Errors NO_MATCH No cost objects found
MAX_COUNT Number of objects returned >250
Use Cases See RAFT-Search

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Method searchCollectionByParm
Description Performs a collection search based off the identified parameters. Collection searches cannot be used to define sets
Parameters String Collection Which collection will be searched, one of supervisor, sponsor, fund_center, profit_center, workset
Array Parm An associative array of key value pairs for search parameters
Return collectionResultType Returns cost object details for all of the matching cost objects wrapped in a metadata header for the collection.
Errors NO_MATCH No cost objects found
MAX_COUNT Count of returned objects (including the collection header) exceeds 250 and cannot be displayed.
Use Cases

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Method getSearchLists
Description Returns the default collection of selection items for each of the search lists.
Parameters Array Parm An associative array of key value pairs for search parameters
Return listSetResultType Master structure for list data that includes supervisor, addressee, sponsor, prime_sponsor, workset. The set always returns a max of 150 entries. To extend beyond that requires the user to use the autocomplete methods.
Use Cases

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Method listSupervisor
Description Returns the list of supervisors accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listAddressee
Description Returns the list of adressees accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listSponsor
Description Returns the list of sponsors accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listPrimeSponsor
Description Returns the list of prime sponsors accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listFundCenter
Description Returns the list of fund centers accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listProfitCenter
Description Returns the list of profit Centers accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listWorkset
Description Returns the list of worksets accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listId
Description Returns the list of cost object ids and titles accessible by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs
Use Cases

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Method listFlaggedCostObjects
Description Returns the list of flagged cost objects flagged by the requesting user.
Parameters Integer Count The number of entries to return.
Return coResultType Returns cost object details for all of the matching cost objects
Use Cases

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CO Metadata

Method listBudgets
Description Returns the list of budgets available for the specified Cost Object.
Parameters String Cost_Collector_key The cost object to look up
Boolean with_children Include children accounts.
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs. In this case, key = budget version code, value = Description
Use Cases

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Method listWorksetScenarios
Description Returns the list of Scenarios associated with this workset. This list is implicitly restricted to the scenarios that the accessing user has access to.
Parameters String Workset_Key The id for this workset
Return listResultType Array list of key, value pairs. In this case, key = scenario ID, value = scenario name
Use Cases

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Method listProjectPeriods
Description Returns the list of Project Periods for this cost object
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
Return projectYearResultType Returns the project year date ranges associated with this cost object
Use Cases

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Method updateProjectPeriod
Description For the given project period, alter the start and end date.
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
String Project_Period_Key The identifier for this project period
Date Start_Date The start date for this project period
Date End_Date The end date for this project period
Return confirmResultType Returns the confirmation status along with the object reference.
Errors NO_MATCH No match for this project period/cost object
OVERLAP Warning: Project period now overlaps another project period defined for this cost object
INVALID Project period defined outside of start/final expiration date range for this cost object
Use Cases

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Method addProjectPeriod
Description Add project year to cost object
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
String Project_Period_Key The identifier for this project period
Date Start_Date The start date for this project period
Date End_Date The end date for this project period
Return confirmResultType Returns the confirmation status along with the object reference.
Errors NO_MATCH No match for this cost object
OVERLAP Warning: Project period now overlaps another project period defined for this cost object
EXISTS Project period with this name already exists
INVALID Project period defined outside of start/final expiration date range for this cost object
Use Cases

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Method dropProjectPeriod
Description Delete project year from cost object
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
String Project_Period_Key The identifier for this project period
Return confirmResultType Returns the confirmation status along with the object reference.
Errors NO_MATCH No match for this cost object
Use Cases

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Method validateProjectPeriods
Description Validate that the project periods are contiguous and non overlapping, and that they begin at the start of the project and end at the end of the final expiration date
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
Return validateResultType Returns the validity status of the project periods on the cost object and identifies exceptions
Errors NO_MATCH No match for this cost object
Use Cases

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Method normalizeProjectPeriods
Description Starting from the first period, push out the start date of the subsequent project periods so that the full set of project periods are contiguous and non-overlapping
Parameters String Cost_collector_key The identifier for this cost object
Return validateResultType Returns the validity status of the project periods on the cost object and identifies exceptions
Errors NO_MATCH No match for this cost object
INCOMPLETE Warning: Project Period schedule does not cover the full date range for this CO (from effective through final expiration date)
Use Cases

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Method querySummary
Description Summary by GL hierarchy of the budgets, actuals, and commitment information for an account. Revenue & Expenses.
Parameters String GL_Hierarchy The Hierarchy of GL categories and accounts to use.
String Budget_version Which budget to use
String Scenario_version Which scenario to use
Cost_collector_key Cost_collector_key The identifier for the cost object
Date Start_Date The start date for the query window
Date End_Date The end_date for the query window
Boolean with_children Consolidate the results to include all associated children with the parent
String Collection_type When including children, use the following collection for the aggregation
Return coSummaryResultType Flattened cube of summary financial information
Errors NO_MATCH Either the Cost object or collection key does not exist in the system
Use Cases

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Method queryMonthSummary
Description Summary by GL hierarchy of the budgets, actuals, and commitment information for an account. Expenses only. Monthly view
Parameters String GL_Hierarchy The Hierarchy of GL categories and accounts to use.
String Budget_version Which budget to use
String Scenario_version Which scenario to use
Cost_collector_key Cost_collector_key The identifier for the cost object
String Start_Period The start period for the query window - format = YYYYMM
String End_Period The end_date for the query window - format = YYYYMM
Boolean with_children Consolidate the results to include all associated children with the parent
String Collection_type When including children, use the following collection for the aggregation
String Collection_key When including children, use this particular collection key as the root of the consolidation tree
Return coSummaryResultType Flattened cube of summary financial information
Errors NO_MATCH Either the Cost object or collection key does not exist in the system
Use Cases

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Method queryActualsSumm
Description Returns a summary of the totals by GL/CO
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return actSummResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryActualsExpense
Description Returns matching actuals expense Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return actPOResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryActualsPeople
Description Returns matching actuals personnel Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return actPEResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryBudgetDetail
Description Returns matching budget records (SAP = GL Level, COEUS = line item level)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
String Budget Version The plan version for the associated budget
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return budResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryCommitmentsSummary
Description Returns a summary of the commitments information by gl
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return commSummResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryCommitmentsExpense
Description Returns matching commitments expense Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return commPOResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryCommitmentsPeople
Description Returns matching commitments personnel Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return commPEResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryForecastSummary
Description Returns a summary of the forecast(scenario) information by gl
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
String Scenario_key The scenario key. Defaults to the Common scenario key (COMMON)
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return forSummResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryForecastExpense
Description Returns matching forecast (scenario) expense Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
String Scenario_key The scenario key. Defaults to the Common scenario key (COMMON)
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return commPOResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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Method queryForecastPeople
Description Returns matching forecast (scenario) personnel Records (rename?)
Parameters String GL_HIER The gl_hierarchy to use
String GL_Level The GL Category or Account to show items from
String CoArray The cost_collector_key
String Scenario_key The scenario key. Defaults to the Common scenario key (COMMON)
Zend_Date Start_Date Start date for the query window
Zend_Date End_Date End_Date for the query window
Boolean with_children Include children?
Integer Start Start at record #
Integer End Return up to and including record #
String filter Return records with string in the body
Array ordercol The sorting for the structure
Return commPEResultType Returns the matching collection of actuals records
Errors NO_RECORDS No records found
Use Cases

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