Metadata Genres Core Element Discussion 8 July 2009
- Patsy
- Tom
- Rob
Notetaker: Rob
What are Metadata Genres:
- Preservation
- Rights
- Structural
- Provenance
Objective of this Discussion:
A core set of elements for each genre.
Structural Metadata
Purposes of structural metadata
- File management
- Content Management or Collection Management
- Domain Modeling
Structural Metadata Requirements
- Identification of the Atomic Unit(AU) of a domain. The atomic unit is a standalone entity. The structural metadata may need to indicate the standalone status of any entity it describes.
- Reference to the metadata for an AU
- Reference to all files that comprise AU
Possible Structural Metadata Requirements
- Relation of Atomic Unit to other things in the domain
Different methods of recording Structural Metadata
- In the metadata for the AU (via relation metadata)
- In a separate map (e.g. METS)
Brainstorm kinds of relationships
One way to categorize relationships
- part --> whole (hierarchical)
- whole --> part (hierarchical)
- part --> part (peer)
- networks
kinds of peer relationships
- version
- sequence
- other peer relationships?
kinds of hierarchical relationships
- book -> chapter -> page
- courseware
- other chains of aggregation levels in different domains (from largest to smallest)?
kinds of network relationships
- websites
- relationships between agents
- other web like structures?
Hierarchical Metadata Requirements
- Define Atomic Unit (Smallest Describable Unit)
- smallest needs to know largest
- largest needs to know about all the smallest
- In between relationships not core
Peer Metadata Requirements
- Atomic Unit must have one peer relationships
rwolfe todo
- Look up types of peer, hierarchical, and network relationships that we might encounter
CORE structural Elements
Type element: aggregation, atom (smallest deliverbale unit) agent (person or organization)
Policy: each atom must belong to an aggregation, the outermost aggregation; relationship may be nul in the case where the atom is free-standing.
Sept 2, 2009
- Patsy
- Tom
- Rob
- Ann Marie
For our next meeting:
Poke around among the following institutions (and/or others). Put notes and attachments on :
- University of Virginia
- UNT - Ann Marie
- Cornell
- California Digital Library (CDL)
- University of Indiana
- University of Michigan - Ann Marie
- Texas Digical Library (TDL)
Poke around among the following
1. structural metadata standards:
- MPEG21
2. rights metadata standards:
- Dublin Core
- METS Rights
- PREMIS Rights
3. preservation metadata standards:
- PREMIS - Ann Marie
4. provenance matadata standards:
- PREMIS (event)
- ABC HArmony
Oct. 1, 2009
Techincal and provenance are seperate metadata, but policies are not in place for migration. It is difficult to decide what we need to capture about provenance events.
Look at provenance metadata schema-- PREMIS has a provenance "event" entity.
Copyright metadata
2 kinds of rights
1. DRM (or access managemnt) -- ODRL, MPEG -- these are policy metadata schemas. Spell out who can perform what.
2. descriptive meatdaat schemes
PREMIS rights
METS rights
LoC rights MD -- See LoC A/V prototype project:
They all provide for:
-- rights holder
-- rights basis (based on contract, license, a coipyright statement, or stutute like fair use, public domain.
--content (a URI/CC license; or text of the rights)
-- context -- who, when and sometimes where (which means in DSPace for us, so less important). Human-readable, not coputer-actionable. Must be inclusive of the needed oinformation. (i.e. a notes field)