Storytelling - 6.9.09: start working on our workflows by telling our stories:
- Communications Forum (start with this story)
- Whirlwind
- Vail Balloon Prints
By walking through these cases we can identify workflows that can be finalized.
File naming conventions (focus on this topic 3/24)
- see information saved in the Research section of this wiki
- see file naming scheme page
- see file naming quick reference page (will add to libstaff website)
Workflows - how do we organize these workflows?
- Barton - DSpace/DOME
- Barton - OCA - DSpace/DOME
- Working Papers/Technical Reports - DSpace/DOME
- Archivist Toolkit - DOME
- Filemaker Pro - DSpace/DOME
- Also, possibly by stages and steps (outline practices):Metadata, Scanning, Preservation, Ingest, Flickr, Interim Storage for scanning outputs, end processing, storage, shipping, picklist
Policy on archival masters
- see file disposition page
Role and Responsibilities
- Who is responsible for tasks or set of tasks in each workflow, for example:
- Who makes Thumbnails - DOME automatically creates or Document Services/Image Magik
- Who builds Filemaker databases - for now Rob & company will be responsible is there another tool besides xml editor or Filemaker can we modify Curator's Workbench for our purposes (FACADE)
- Who is responsible for loading data into or exporting data out from filemaker databases - Carl
- Who maintains DSpace Images (puts stuff up there, takes stuff down, grants access rights)These are just the roles questions that impact me (RW), but I know that there are a number of tasks that have been done by a different person on each project. - [[See file disposition workflow|LIBDOME:File disposition]]
As technologies evolve pdf would not be the best way to display the images. We would need to go back to the original tiff files.
Non-prop software, wouldn’t require any legal breaks to preserve item
DSpace is creating a file format plan
Tiff files serve as our second copy and our master digital file.