Craig's wiki: Energy Lab Reports
Uploaded final log from Document Services - DS-MIT-EL Reports 090811.xls
The pdfs are located here: \\LIB-FILE-01\Scanning\Scanning jobs\DOME Projects\Energy Lab TRs\Completed. I will need a list of people who will be accessing this folder so we can give them read access. Jenn still has a few issues to work out so this folder is currently not complete but should be soon. Finally, there is another folder in the Energy Lab TRs that has reports that needs abstracts added to the records. This folder is called “DS Scanned”. There are only 7 reports in this folder. This were only separated due to production and billing exceptions in Document Services. Otherwise they are no different.
Attached is the list of reports that need the abstracts added to the Barton records. I do not have all of the OCLC numbers as they were not cataloged when we began scanning. I have put in a call to Rob Hall to help me get these identifiers.
FYI - Jenn warned me that you may have to dig a little for the abstracts, for example one abstract wasn’t included until page 20.
Neal's found issues while scanning:
I’ve finished scanning the EL Tech Reports from boxes A3, A4, & A5. Listed below are the “problem” TR”s from this batch. If possible we’ll need to insert/rescan replacement pages from any archival versions if available. EL_TR_80_022 : Pgs 126,127,150,151, & 167 = text deletions.
EL_TR_80_031 : The seven grayscale pgs. Are of poor copy quality/too light.
EL_TR_80_033 : Numerous figure tables/pgs. Are of poor copy quality-illegible text.
EL_TR_81_025 : Missing pgs. or blank? – 113,150,151, & 159.
EL_TR_81_031 : Poor copy quality/illegible text. – 7,9,11, & 13-16.
EL_TR_81_034 : Appendix F missing?
EL_TR_82_020 : Appears to be part of a 2-volume set belonging to EL_TR_82_019.
EL_TR_82_021 : Missing Appendix pgs. A,B, & C.
EL_TR_82_023 : Pgs. 167-168 are illegible/too light.
EL_TR_82_025 : Check to see if there’s a 2ndvolume attachment to this TR.
EL_TR_82_028 : Pgs. 14,37,38,40 & 41 need grayscale rescan if available. Please note that pgs.75-95 are an attachment to this report (Van Gieson, Franklin D.).
EL_TR_83_015 : Pgs.83-91 missing?
EL_TR_84_013 : Pg. 28 missing, or blank? Errata sheet attached says pg.28 doesn’t exist.
EL_TR_84_017 : Greyscale pages need rescanning if available. Pgs. 6,12,17,34,39,44,46,68,72,77,89,117,119,122, & 127 = poor copy quality/text deletions. Rescan those pages if available.
EL_TR_87_002 : Missing pg. 79. This concludes boxes A3-A5 replacement page listing.
At 10:43 AM 1/25/2010 -0500, Beverly Turner wrote:
>If you could discard them that would be the most convenient.
>Just to confirm, there is no need to update Barton once these consumables
>are discarded, correct? These are copies that are not reflected in the
>Barton record? If this is the case then Document Services should be able
>to discard without issue.
>Thanks everyone!
Series Title: MIT-EL Reports
Years of series: 1972-1992
No. of issues: 447
DSpace handle:
List includes items in DSpace, items to be scanned, items with Barton records, items without Barton records, items already scanned by Document Services but not in DSpace, and items that have duplicate copies that can be disbinded and then discarded.
CAMS will add the missing Barton records for the 45 items without records. CAMS will also add additional authors for the entire MIT Energy Reports.
TBD: replacing metadata records in DSpace with Barton records. Craig discussing this with LFEE.
Craig has identified the items that can be disbinded and discarded and items that can not have disbinding removed.
October 14, 2009:
Met with Archives and Ann Marie, Preservation Services about re-binding the non-consumable items. Decided to tie and folder the items returning to the Archives. Thin items will be stapled once in the upper left corner, and thick items will be tied with cotton tape. All will be replaced in archival folders. Craig will deliver these items separately to assist with their identification.
Also, planned a delivery date. Archives will begin sending batches to Preservation Services Monday, Nov. 30th.
Will try to to have the Energy Working Papers ready to go behind the Energy Reports.
September 9, 2009:
CAMS has cataloged the 45 items and sending back to Craig Thomas. They have also begun work on the additions of multiple authors. They will add the abstracts to the 45 items after they are finished scanning in Document Services so that they can cut and past the abstracts into the records from the digital copy. Beverly to notify Selina when these 45 copies are available on the Document Services server.
Ann Marie has reported on the preferred prioritization of items to be sent to Preservation Services then to Document Services. It is as follows:
For Preservation, our order of preference is based on the amount of time it takes to prep. Assuming the items have pages in good condition, the order is:
- Loose, unbound pages
- Comb bindings with holes in good condition
- Velobindings (Doc Svcs may prefer velo to comb based on the hole size...)
- Stapled
- Stapled with tape over staples
- Then: Ratty stuff, including loose pages with lots of paste-ins
August 25, 2009: Ann Marie delivered the samples to Jenn Morris. Questions we asked Jenn:
- Can you sheet-feed pages from a comb binding? Yes, if the holes are in good condition. It can be a problem if the holes are ragged.
- Can you sheet-feed the report covers made of card stock with a hole cut in them? Probably.
- Do we need to flag foldouts? One flag per item is helpful but no need to flag every foldout.
- Can you sheet-feed the pasted-up pages with tape? Only if the edges are smooth. Would be helpful to flag (one flag per item).
August 19, 2009: Ann Marie and Nicole reviewed the samples. Questions we asked Craig:
- Total number of items? About 485=220 already in DSpace, 265 needing prep for scanning.
- Are the samples representative of binding types, condition, or both? Both.
- Where will these go after scanning? About 45 are single copies not held in the Archives=these will go to the Archives. About 20 are Archives materials that will return to Archives. Approximately 200 will be discarded.
- Who disbound samples #3 and #4? The Energy Lab
- Timeframe for project?
August 18, 2009: items sent to Preservation Services and Document Services for testing. CAMS will begin adding the additional authors to the Barton records for the items that are in DSpace and is ready for the 45 items that need cataloging. CAMS will add the additional authors to the scanned items after they are scanned.
Document Services has identified that the following have already been scanned: - Craig has reviewed and added to the inventory list.
073-003, 006, 007
077-018, 028
078-003, 011, 013, 021, 022, 026
079-004, 009, 028
081-005, 008, 014, 015, 018
082-015, 036, 037
088-026 Working Papers-
079-005, 010, 036, 041, 046, 047, 048, 049
File naming structure
EL_TR_4 digit year_3 digit paper#.pdf
EL_TR_4 digit year_3 digit paper#_4 digit image#.tif
For example:
EL_TR_1980_001.pdf, EL_TR_1980_001_0001.tif, EL_TR_1980_001_0002.tif