Communication Forum Papers Digitization:

  • Estimate 2500 pages in bound books, 300-400 pages unbound
  • Document Services will scan
  • Preservation Services will process the volumes prior to scanning
  • Approximately 15 volumes were missing on the shelves in Dewey and will be supplemented from the Archives Collections
  • Each volume has a Barton record and we will use this for the metadata - crosswalk into Dublin Core


  • Will the volumes return to the shelves at Dewey or go to storage? - storage
  • When can the scanning begin? Week of November 10th
  • Ann Marie - will you remove velobinding?
  • How to identify and remove duplicates from the scanning process? - Bob, and Preservation Services
  • What has to be done on the processing end of removing duplicates - ask Dewey processing (Bob)? Withdrawing items from collection.
  • Does processing staff need the items to change their records prior to going to storage or is this something that Christine Moulen can help with?


4/24/09 - Beverly

The pdfs of the transcripts were ingested into DOME on Friday, April 17.  The link to the collection:

Beverly removed the Communications Forum folder from DSpace Images on Thursday, April 23rd.  There is another copy on Comstock.  Will ask Jenn how long she will keep these.  This is part of the greater discussion about file disposition.

Patsy will alert the Forum during the Spring Forum.  Patsy worked with Heather Denny on a postcard design.

Next step, inventory the audio visual items from 1995-present.

2/3/09 - Beverly

Currently working on the crosswalk from Barton to Dome.  Selina and Carl are testing this crosswalk on a similar collection (CEEPR Working Papers) and once this is fleshed out then we will apply to Communications Forum test ingest.

The volumes were sent to Craig Thomas for review prior to Dewey's withdrawal (see notes below).

End processing notes regarding the withdrawal of the collection from Dewey:

Communications Forum (& possibly CEEPR papers)/Small collections-

-         Document Services will send the items directly to Craig Thomas in Archives and will include the picklist. 

-         Craig will inventory the Archives' holdings and select any items that Dewey had to complete the Archives' holdings.  

-         Archives will change the Barton record for any items that the Archives decide to keep. 

-         Craig should update the picklist by removing any items that Archives decides to keep.

-         Craig will return the remainder of the items to Amy Martin in Dewey (whomever is in charge of processing in each library) for processing. 

-         Amy will withdraw and discard the items. 

-         Christine Moulen may be able to do a global batch delete on these items but she has not done this before and therefore needs to test before this method can be used to withdraw the holding from Dewey.

12/15/08 - Jenn

Scanning and QC are finished. Updated spreadsheet has been loaded to wiki. Jenn will move the files to "Dspace Images" in the next day or two and send an invoice to Keith and Beverly. All copies borrowed from Archives have been returned. DS is just waiting to hear from Beverly for timing and prep work for delivery to LSA.

11/10/08 - Beverly

Document Services received items last week and has reviewed the list.  Jenn has arranged for scanning to begin.  Jenn will be out of the office from Nov. 13 - Dec. 4 and her staff will scan while she is out.

I noticed that 4 items have the same OCLC number. It's probably because they're Indexes and they were cataloged as a series. How would you like to deal with this since our naming scheme is by OCLC number? - Question from Jenn

Decided to just keep the OCLC number with the extension _01, so: OCLC#_01, OCLC#_02. We will reevaluate when she returns.

Also according to the list there are only 130 unique items which includes 6 that need to be requested from Archives. According to my notes there should be 15 items that need to be requested from Archives with a total of 145 items. Do you have a list of the ones we need from Archives? For example the two items I did as tests are not listed in the spreadsheet at all. - Question from Jenn

Beverly will work on the discrepancies while Jenn is out and give her a response on Dec. 4th.


Preservation Services has updated the Pick List, items in Yellow were not received by Preservation Services.  Volumes will be sent to Document Services today.  -Nicole


Preservation Services received the corrected volumes back from Dewey.  They will do a last review of the items and anticipate to send to Document Services on 11/5.


Nicole has prepped the volumes and identified several cataloging problems.  Bob has requested that these items be returned to Dewey to be fixed, before the project is sent on to Document Services.


Preservation Services received the items on Tuesday, October 14.  They are almost finished with their document preparation and repairs.  They will report by Tuesday, October 21st on the date that they will be complete.

10/8/08 - The circulating copies will not return to Dewey once scanned.  They will be sent to storage.  How do we decide if they go to LSA or Harvard?

Bob will go ahead and pull the volumes and send by mail to Preservation Services.  Ann Marie & Nicole will prep for scanning. This should take anywhere from 1-2 weeks.  Once the prep is completed Preservation Services will send to Jenn Morris in Document Services. 

Jenn will return test volumes to Dewey today.

Prepare a spreadsheet for the volumes with the OCLC numbers. - completed 10/10/08

Change Barton status to "offsite" item process (IP).  We will do this even though the items are being scanned on campus.  Christine Moulen will do a global change in Barton.

10/3/08 - All volumes have been located by Patsy Baudoin

Jenn Morris has completed the test scans

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